Does hots report system work?

didn’t have it disabled–gotta look at calls in chat, but I didn’t actively CHAT in chat.

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I wondered if you had chat open, but didn’t type in chat, if that would be a loophole the system would miss, from your experience, it seems to be the case. This is why I so dislike automated systems.

I would still encourage you to appeal your ban.


NOT work you report troll/afk/etc. and next game you pairing with HIM! :nauseated_face: :poop: :nauseated_face:

I think it’s absurd that you can get a permanent ban for chat when permanent silence exists as a punishment. Like, doesn’t a silence solve the issue?

And yes, I’m salty. Of course I’m salty; that’s why I got banned. But the logic does not compute.


What has always bothered me most about Blizzard’s approach to the report system, is the overemphasis placed on chat offences over all other forms of disruptive player behaviour.

The tools are provided to simply mute someone who is saying nonsense in chat, but no such button is available to deal with those who grief games by Botting/AFK/Intentionally Dying.

I’m not excusing those people who step way over the line in chat, issuing death threats, racist and other bigoted and harmful abuse, none of that is acceptable. The flaw with this system is that players can say the very worst stuff listed above, but if they only do so in a few games they won’t be punished, where players who play a high volume of games can be silenced/suspended/banned for comparatively trivial things like typing “Get good.”

The truly malicious actors, whose intent is to say the most vile things in chat, know how to work around the system so as not to receive a silence and/or they don’t care and create multiple alts to grief games and harass people verbally in matches.

I would have fewer problems with the report system as it stands now, if disruptive behaviour such as deliberate AFK/Feeding was punished to the same degree as Abusive Chat, but it isn’t and never has been. This feels like a glaring issue, as AI has come a long way and as I said above, it should be fairly simple to design an algorithm to detect serial AFK players for example, without the need for user reports.


Well said and very true. Poor Bzzzd doesn’t understand the concept of incentive.

Let’s be very clear – I never did anything like that. The worst I have done is rage at how people are playing when I’m losing a game.

I can literally tell you how I got perma’d: a Whitemane on my team died and started raging at us and feeding over and over and I called them a child. They told me “you’re reported, lol” and when the game was done, banned forever. This was obviously not my first offense, but was I really the problem there?

Automated systems are dog.


I believe your story. The problem is that most people don’t think what you recounted can happen. They’re so sure of Big Brother, they adopt the “If you didn’t do anything, the police wouldn’t arrest you!” mindset.

I don’t believe you’re lying. I have a bit more context, as a couple of my friends shared tickets they opened when they were silenced. The GM laid out some very vague and broad rules that constitute abusive chat and can get you silenced/banned. These rules are not explicitly stated anywhere and aren’t exactly intuitive.

I wish I could post these rules, but it’s against the forum COC to do so, however, two of these rules are well known, so I can single them out. Abusive chat includes “Sarcasm” and “Telling others how to play.” I’m paraphrasing here, but one of the chat lines the GM cited for my friend’s silence was “Raynor, AA the Immortal next time.” He was also cited lines of “sarcasm” which were out of context and were actually compliments.

One of these friends, who is super friendly and likes (liked) to coach players and do some shot calling, had his silence overturned on appeal. This was way back in the Hots halcyon days of 2017. I don’t know what your chances are of having your silence reviewed by a GM these days, from what people say here it now seems fully automated.

I tried to appeal. I basically hit a brick wall where the process said “your appeal will not be granted unless you have proof that your account was compromised”. Basically, I had no ground to defend myself on. Maybe I could’ve ignored that and pushed on anyway, but honestly I just didn’t want to be told no again.

Besides, I deleted everything HotS-related from my computer in rage, so I don’t have the replay anymore.


The fact that you formed your thoughts to come up with this malarky is why we need a reporting system. Your lack of knowledge of the player base is ever clear. Speaking of which, have you been drinking Everclear? You have to be drunk and out of your mind to think that people enjoying the game as intended should be disrupted by people who only intend to ruin everyone else’s experience.

You actually sat there and typed this out as if this should be accepted as the norm. Some of us actually go seek out experts to help us with our issues instead of hopping on cooperation games and their forums to be a POS.

People don’t join VC because of this mindset, people who think like you and are out of touch with reality. But yes, be a degenerate, and behave like an incel.

When I asked for evidence of the messages that got me banned they just told me this:
"This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies (Blizzard Support - Blizzard's In-Game Code of Conduct), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing the games on our platform. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

We now consider this matter closed and would not look to enter into further discussion on the subject."

I tried again, and then they just told me this:
“This penalty has already been upheld. Any further requests on this topic will not be reviewed.”

In other words: “we don’t have any evidence so stop bugging us and enjoy your ban!”

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I spend more time clearing 3-4 game AFK flags than playing ranked it feels like they made this change to kill the game so we can play candy crush and call of poopy

lol you actually tried to appeal? thats comedy

This was like over a year ago. And yes. I don’t see how its comical, but then again its you lol

If you are spending more time in leaver que then playing a normal game then you should check what you do wrong to be in that situation all the time.

You dont get throwed in leaver que unless you do something to enter it yourself like leaving games or afk in draft.

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Ya gotta pick one bud…either you want it to be long ago so as to disassociate yourself or it’s serious business.

Amazing name

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I had a friend who appealed an account suspension, and the GM overturned the punishment, so yeah, it’s not silly to raise a ticket.

This was just prior to full maintenance mode, so I wouldn’t be surprised in 2023, no GMs are assigned to deal with account actions for Hots. This is only logical, an abandoned game is naturally going to be a low priority.

I said it was long ago because it was over a year ago numb nuts. If a year is a short amount of time for you then give me what you’re smoking. Must be some good stuff.