Does hots report system work?

I had a ranked game with 1 afk and 1 trolling on towers of doom.
So any way i would like to know if the report works


We can all report you and then you know.

Why the f are so many people obsessed with the reporting system? You know that this is the reason why there are hardly any good players around anymore and this game is full of soccer moms and dads, that only are allowed to play 2 hours on the weekends and have no clue what to do and then come up with “Hey, it’s just QM” when they died 10 times, half their team gave up and waited in spawn for the game to be over.

Blizzard’s silencing and suspending philosophy killed this game. You can’t publish a moba, which is THE competetive game genre and full of toxicity and then kick everyone out of this game or silence them, that does offend those players, that never played any moba before and obviously never played even any online game before. Guess why no one uses voice chat? Because voice chat is just another channel to be banned, that’s why.

If Blizzard cares so much about friendly and warm atmospheres in games, they should rather develop games like Animal Crossing and keep their hands off genres, that are meant to competitive and tough. But they are on this way anyhow. Their newest games will be crappy mobile games full of loot systems. Then no one of the core games will care anymore anyway.


While that’s hyperbole and most players seem to be much younger (20-30s or teens) there is also a seed of truth in that.

Those “it’s just QM/Unranked/Ranked/life” people who use that justification to feed and never go to objectives are the ones who create much of the toxicity around.

No I don’t defend toxics, I try to not say anything, if I have nothing positive to say. But it’s this player type that cause flame wars with their indifference and refusal to play in AI with that attitude.

I think it’s very selfish to ruin the game with indifference like “who cares if I die 13 times. Stop taking SL so seriously”. They ruin the match for 4 others.


Love when a holes justify acting like an ahole.
Im sorry? Its my fault youre acting like that?
No b.
Its your fault youre acting like that.
You control yourself.
I dont control you.
Stop blaming everyone else for your $$$$ stank grade school behavior.

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No it doesn’t and even if it did smurf account negates any real consequence

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it works when it comes to “abusive chat” but yet again you need to report that player from 1000000 accounts to get them silenced but throwing games on purpose isn’t against the rules apparently LUL


This. Just select Abusive Chat for every single offense. Guaranteed to work. It’s automated - you don’t have to wait 1 year for the reports to pile up and some employee to look at them (like in AFK reports, or “non participation” reports).

The end result is what matters, is it not?

Ridiculous system, but the ends justify the means.

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I got 4 e-mails so far the last 6 months about feeder/afk players they have taken action on.

only works if the person types in chat :wink:
if they keep their keyboard silent it wont work. same with if they have team chat turned off. the report will get automatically rejected.

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True. Fortunately most trolls are very vocal and love to give reasons why they are dying for the 43th time on Leoric at the enemy core.

yes :laughing:
i got an ear full of one of these guys yesterday. complaining i wasnt healing enough. well, i cant heal dead. they were either always away from me or they would be instadead because they would run up to the enemy team as raynor. makes a lot of sense.

Got my 5 e-mail now from Blizzard.

A report system is needed. Is the report system we have now effective? I don’t think so. As people are not punished for false reports many just abuse the system, it has become weaponized.

It works really well for chat offenses it would seem. Well it’s automated, how fair the bans for chat abuse are I won’t comment. It doesn’t seem nearly as effective in punishing those who deliberately grief games by AFK and Dying Intentionally.

Personally for me I could live with just muting the toxic people, I have a button I can use for that. There is no button for people who throw games on purpose, but I think the ship has sailed on improving the system. They have been asking us for over 2 years in game “how effective do you feel the reporting system is” and nothing has been changed.


Of course its abused. Just look at the noobs in this thread gloating over reporting people.


No one really knows.

But judging by all the tilted people creating raging posts about being unfairly suspended for doing exactly what the reports said they did. I’m guessing yes.

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this. people ARE getting suspended for various things. they probably need to get a certain number of reports from multiple people within a certain time frame. the only thing I’m unsure of is whether or not it’s all fully automated or if there’s a human looking at game data and approving of the suspensions at some point.

Blizzard, when you will release the name of an idi@t who made decision about implementing “crying” system?
You can’t prove even 1 suspension on my account. Just suspended…

you don’t get banned for 1 report. so please don’t try to claim so

The reporting works. Should I say - it works way too much!

What blizzard cant deal with here is smurfing. This is probably the problem you are searching.

If you have any further questions, then I will be glad to answer them to you.

Why do you say it works way too much. Do you have…personal experience