Does Blizzard knowingly do this?

I find that you and murlocaggrob are the only ones who provided smart replies. I never said the system is sinister, I said its just bad.

Its too simple that it does not take into conisderation the wave clear effect of some heroes which has an effect that qm players and especialy new ones will have problems with.

But the best way is to play 10 consecutive qm matches with one hero SOLO and show the data and thats what I am gonna do.

Actually, I see a suspicious frequency of enemy Butchers when I play Kael in QM.
Not like it’s an issue either way.

4 times out of last 5, 5 out of 7. Can check further if you want.

If you think i have a personal attack on you then you need to stop making my post personal as you do.

What i said is what many fails at and then just comes here and rant about it cause that is the easiest to do. Im no sour or bitter as some people think. Just annoyed that so many comes to this forum to rant about problems they could solve themself if they started to get better.

Murky Butcher skin when?

Same here.

So do I, but the game matches me way too often versus blinders, and most of the time at least two of them in the ennemy team.

Smells like Apophenia, or false-positive in stats. It’s a want to see patterns to suit the observation. “I’m seeing a lot of butcher, so that is suspicious that I’m paired against him as KT”

Butcher is a popular QM pick. He’s usually the most popular melee assassin pick and Qm doesn’t have any special rules for melee assassins (not a healer or tank, not a bruiser or specialist) so having a popular pick in a non-restricted slot means they’re going to show up as filler quite a few times.


I just checked my last 10 games in QM on Artanis, and only 3 of them featured an enemy with any sort of blind, Li Li, Auriel (who needs to talent into it), and Mei. None of the matches had multiple blinds, and only one had a bruiser who can be a serious pain in the rear for him, Leoric. It’s not that Leo will kill me, but he can outsoak and rotate Artanis.

10 is a small sample but well you are not going to do 100 QM and post all the data. By the way, you should post at least the composition of both teams since you could also forget about counters the other way around.

Oh and do it preferably during peak hours.

As stated earlier in this thread, many heroes have multiple counters, and it is extremely easy to just look at comps and assume that is why the match was lost. However, given how many ways there are to counter certain types of play, both teams have a relatively equal chance to use the comp to excuse away a loss.

So while this is a sample size of exactly one game, I think it shows pretty well how easy it is to assume that the enemy team always has counters. Here is the end screen from a match I played tonight, and anyone can overanalyze as to which team had the advantage, just based on the map and comps.

Seeing the loading screen, my first thought was, “Of course the enemy team has nothing but heavy AA heroes (the Varian went Winblades) when I am playing Anub’arak.” However, it is just as easy for the enemy team to say, “Of course we are all melee on Cursed Hollow against a KT/Gaz.” They had a Samuro on one of this best maps, but we had two globals with a bribe (BW went Z heal at 1).

The point is, you could choose any hero on either team and make an argument for how they are countered in that matchup, so confirmation bias will always have a basis for assuming losses are somehow manufactured by some sinister algorithm built into the matchmaker.


I think most likely, you’re just thinking things are counters when they’re not.

I had to check.
I have 577 Storm League, and 3099 Quick Match games.
No, you’re just tripping.

Go Beetle build, they won’t kill the beetles easily without many aoes.
Also Shed Exoskeleton on 4, because speed is always good against melee…
Just a suggestion.

That is from the replay, so you can see I did go a full beetle build, but with Cocoon and Rewind rather than Locust Swarm/Hive Master. I didn’t really need the move speed at 4, as they had a Lucio to counter it, and the extra slow on Q made it easier for me to keep the Varian from going nuts on my back line.

Michael Keaton as Varian when?

lol confirmation bias again…it’s the counter to everything…

Apparently everbody is learning the trick and singing the same song…confirmation bias la la la la la


“ Ideal matchmaking:
Designer ideal :
-Put players into matches that are fun .
-Have a planned experience with varying intensity (easy, even, hard) ”

What does this mean, I’m a bit uneducated and dumb.

Watch the GDC talk.

That being said, even with what Shaden quoted from there… the matchmaker doesn’t take heroes into account, beyond their roles.

Basically, it is supporting the game sometimes putting you in games which you have a higher of lower odds of winning than 50%.

I suspect this doesn’t happen in HotS. Because of the nature of MOBA games, without trying, you’ll naturally get this result anyhow given variance on players skill on each of their heroes.

It means Shaden hasn’t found any actual evidence in HotS, so has to pull in an unrelated video of something never shown to have been implemented in any game, as it is the only straw at which he can grasp. He posts it in every thread he participates in, and somehow believes it actually means something.

Ah well, everybody got a gris-gris.


The video actually is kinda related to HotS matchmaking, in that it shows that if HotS “had no matchmaker” average match quality would be far worse.

Just, well, it doesn’t show what Shaden/people who complain about matchmaker want it to.

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It means the goal of the matchmaker is to make “Fun” matches, not fair matches.

Now the usuals/Hoku are coming at me by name. come come