Do you have your "unlucky" heroes?

I agree on Genji, because he has solo carry potencial, it’s just hard to utilize it, but I am not sure about Medivh. Even when I watch the KhaldorTV and I don’t really feel the same about Medivh. Sure he has impact, but this hero feels just weird even in hands of professional players.

And Hammer feels the same. Both heroes are extremely niche.

Could be a language issue.
You wrote this:

While you may have meant:

I find Medivh to be a little too skill-based, specifically he hinges a lot on not dying at all, which may create overly safe gameplay. The same story applies as with a Convection Kael’thas. I’ve been deleted by brave and competent Bronze 5 Medivh players with ease many times in a single match, and in another the shields were so strong, he was worth 2-3 healers (on top of his mage self).

As for Hammer, I think she is basically fine, even borderline OP, could be inflated by QM shenanigans (the usual quattro cannon complaint). People play her too passively, being deployed too much. Although, to be fair, the suicidal approach can work, too. Watching a Fan match or two can help curb behavior.

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Garrosh. It doesn’t matter how many times I save someone from certain death, or throw someone into our team just for my teammates to completely ignore them. He’s completely reliant on competent teammates to do anything.

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I’ve never enjoyed CC heroes because they exist to enable good teammates instead of finding other ways to reward teamwork and skill.
Garrosh can do damage though. It’s difficult to pull off but he does have the raw tankiness to just get into enemy teams and go wild with Decimate. Doesn’t change the fact that he’s geared for fishing picks though.
I’d chalk losing with him as more a hero identity issue than luck though.

Sonya is my unlucky hero. I can get my picks, win my duels and bully the laners but I almost always lose with her. I’ll be the first to admit my own mistakes like missing skillshots or being too aggressive or passive but every time I queue with her the team just won’t click and we’ll get rolled.

It’s name starts with No and ends with Va. It’s actually not unlucky, it’s a hero that just sucks. Nova.


Lady this is no news, Nova is bad luck for any team that has to carry her butt.

due to the size, it’s a lot to carry…


For me it’s morales. Healers generally are not my best, but she is below 38% for me. I just can’t make her work.

Whenever I see them in the game, I lost the game regardless of which side he is on.


For me, it’s Zeratul. Often times, I can delay, delay, delay, hoping our team can capitalize on the window I create but we end up losing most of the time.

I do like the hero and I’m not bad with him. I’d say I’m about average.


I can never make that girl work.

for me it’s medivh, nobody and i meant NOBODY ever takes my portals they just rather walk slow and get killed instead.


Problem is most Medivh players make useless portals so people just ignore them.

At least I dont have a problem getting people to stand in my healing circle anymore as Alex now. When she were released I had several games where people had no clue what the circle did and just ignored it or avoided it.

And then ofc all mages would just target all thier spell on the circle when cast.


That is true, ive seen some medivh do not even use portals but only use it for themselves to escape.

I see a connection here. :stuck_out_tongue: Just because most portals are useless, most Medivh players use portals only for themselves. :crazy_face:

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Yea they make useless portals for themself so he can lose all stacks and start all over.


Sounds like a genius plan, don’t ya think? :crazy_face:

That’s pretty much been the case whenever medivh is on my team. He saves his portal only for himself and when he’s the last to die, he uselessly flies around in bird form until we respawn lol.


I get that a lot of people lack the awareness to use the portal that’s being placed for them but come on
Most people use them, just give your teammates a chance and help them out :frowning: