Do people try at all?

Three straight ARAM games with the most clueless feeding teammates I’ve seen in awhile. People taking no heals or tanks so we just have 15min guaranteed losses. I’m happy to heal multiple games in a row but not for teams that all take melee assassins and feed the whole time. I’ll happily tank but somehow I get teammates that can’t play even the best assassins in ARAM. How is this a competitive versus game with no one that actually tries or takes it seriously for even one game? I get that it’s ARAM but still. Why play if you don’t care to try at all? Isn’t that what vs AI is for!?

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I still maintain that it isn’t a serious mode, just because it can put people on your team who have never even ventured into Quick Match before.

And the winrate from that mode can never be taken seriously, because players are supplanted by AI’s when you play during low population hours.

In other words you have teammates who haven’t even played against a human opponent in their lives unless Brawl/Aram counts.

I play a lot of aram nowadays because it’s relaxing, but I expect complete chaos and low performance by default from participants. Good close matches are just a bonus if they happen.


It isn’t, I get a lot of profiles who are from AI’s in Aram.
That’s as non-competitive as it gets in HotS.

Some days, I’m not even sure if these players realize this is a human mode?
Maybe they treat it as an extension of bot games?

Bro… ARAM is full or drunk/high people and legit 8 year old kids who play with an old laptop with no mouse and click their abilities. Either 5 stack or just play UR/SL if you like better games.

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I don’t know why this was funny I think its cause I read it in Gazlowe’s voice.

It’s aram. If you want serious matches, go into ranked. If you want semi-serious matches, wait a long time in unranked draft. If you for some reason want to try hard but don’t like draft, 5 man quick match

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I will never understand why people think other people queue ARAM for an ideal composition experience or even to do anything but just mindlessly brawl.

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Dude, if you play ARAM, don’t have expectations.

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I liked ranked for this reason. Idiots will always be idiots but at least they tryhard

dude. it’s ARAM. most of the people playing are probably watching youtube on a second screen :expressionless:


Its aram, You are sposed to goof off and have fun, if you want people to try hard then go play ranked.

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Yea like others have said dont play aram to win, play aram to grt a quad alex comp and rofl. Yes its stupid but its also amusing.

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Because people expect at least some basic skill balancing. So for example as diamond player, you shouldnt get bronze players with and against you which are then also figthing against masters.
That alone is just asking for trouble.

I dont know how long the ARAM queue times are, but if those are within 10 seconds, it doesnt make any sense at all. As even in aram its better to wait a bit longer to get much better balanced teams. 30 seconds in that case is fine if it excludes the extreme cases.

I fully agree with what people said. It’s ARAM. Chill mode. Concrete chaos.

But this makes me wonder… Wouldn’t it become interesting to have a ranked ARAM mode?

Ranked brings the worst out of people, for a gamemode that is supposed to be relaxing that is a bad idea. Some skill balancing, sure… but ranked is overkill.

I get some extremely try hard masterful players in ARAM and sometimes afk/leavers, but it’s usually the former. I get worst people in rank or qm honestly…haha.

I think poke random and double healer rates are a problem right now though. Going against Chromie/Az/Liming/Junkrat are incredibly unfair and frustrating when you have opposite picks, but that is ARAM after, I guess…

I mean, keep ARAM as it is, casual and unranked, and bring an extra mode, ranked, ARAM.
You aren’t forced to play it.
Those who might want to dig hard in ARAM could like it, so why not?

It’s just going to lead to high rank premades filling the top of the ladder like in Storm League. But this time they have it even easier, as their enemies can be total randoms from any rank. They will have 100% win rate.

Because someone who is Gold in Aram may not be equal to skill compared to even a Bronze SL player.

And at the same time create the ‘its not ranked, therefor we can throw all we want’ mentality even more. Those who say ‘its just QM’ are bad enough already.

If a new ranked mode should be introduced, it should be oriented around QM in order to allow players to play in a more serious way, yet still not have any draft.

ARAM isnt even close as valuable to that. All it needs is some basic balancing regarding player skill.

Not having a healer isn’t a guaranteed loss.
I’ve won several where we didn’t have a healer but the enemy team did.

Melee assassins seem to either do extremely well, or just feed like idiots the whole time, there seems little wiggle room there, and I don’t like that.