Disturbing Blizzard Activision

In case anyone wanted to read the court filing documents, here they are:



Wow forum is fun to read these days. So many of them cancel thier subs now and stop rooting for Method now that has same problems now lol.


It’s a touchy subject.

I’ve glanced over the filing document and some allegations are valid but then there are some that are worrisome. One of the complaints on the document is that a co-worker (supervisor) asked their subordinate out on a date. While this is frowned upon, is it really significant to add to the other allegations?

Are men not allowed to ask women out on dates anymore out of fear of losing their jobs? Then again, the context isn’t complete so maybe the supervisor kept pestering the female co-worker after she had already said no.

Everything else is valid and it’s a shame that they allow that discrimination in their work place. I’m a firm believer in meritocracies and I don’t think politics (personal or professional connections) should be determining factor in deciding on whether someone should get a promotion.

Ultimately, I’m not really worried about the direct outcome of the suit but the direction our culture is heading. Currently, I don’t even joke around at work because what I might say feels like I’m walking on egg shells. I have no idea how someone will perceive my words and when it comes to jokes, they are spontaneous and unedited so it’s better to hold my tongue. I can only imagine things getting much more uptight. I feel like, soon, I’ll have to walk around with a script to make sure that everything I say cannot be taken out of context.

I’m not saying that the aforementioned paragraph is what’s happening with Blizzard but I think the aftermath will push us along this trajectory.


When Azmongold is calling out Blizzard it’s got to be bad.

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You said they were mere formalities.

I said they were not.

You linked a definition that proved me right.

Stop hitting yourself.

Cal. Const., art. I, § 16

Look it up.

Correct, but you have - again - completely missed the point.

I said that all we have at this point are allegations, and that allegations are themselves not evidence. When the evidence is actually fully presented, then you can make whatever educated decision you want.

You disagreed.

You were, as this thread shows, wrong… a lot.

Accusing someone of doing a thing, even en masse, is not evidence that they actually did that thing.

It’s why we have the entire trial process in the first place.

No, I’m right.

And you are not.

And you are taking it personally, for some weird reason.

However, if you do decide to actually educate yourself on this issue and want to engage in an honest discussion about this topic, I’d be happy to continue.

But until then, all I can say is… oof, you really didn’t like being called out like that.


All of these factors directly affect me as a customer. Lately I don’t feel like I’ve been getting amazing value for my money. No blanket solutions are ever implemented for betterment of the game, instead they are all gated behind additional paid services (wow factions, servers etc).

The sooner they clean house, the sooner they can start with a fresh set of people who will recognize the amazing potential of ABs intellectual property and start justifying the big premium many users are unquestionably paying each month.

The ringleaders and enablers are the same people that call users toxic for providing meaningful feedback.

Innocent until proven guilty. That applies to an individual the same as to a group - in this case Blizzard.

Woman whose credibility is absolute 0 makes allegations and posts about it on social media. In todays society this speaks about itself - facts are twisted and exaggeratede. But whatever. Let them provide evidence to support their allegations.

Nothing ever changes unless the leadership is changed. The only way to change a corporate culture is change the corporation. And for that the leadership, all of them including the CEO must be changed. Won’t happen.

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Can already see the mods will take this thread down soon since it has nothing to do with Hots.

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The reason this is “frowned upon” is because the subordinate feels like they are given an ultimatum – “agree to date me, or I’ll use my power as your superior against you.”

If they were coworkers, it’d be different because they’d be equals. But they are not equals in that case, so there’s the risk of abuses of power.

When a supervisor or manager asks you do to something, they’re almost never actually just asking you – the “asking” part is just being polite, it’s implied that there will be consequences if you say no.

The same implication is made when a superior asks a subordinate out on a date, even if the superior honestly didn’t mean it that way. That’s just how the power dynamics work.


I would expect so, much of the discussion is off topic and has become unnecessarily contentious beyond the already serious scope of the topic at hand, which was predictable. The internet rarely lends itself to nuanced and respectful discussions, probably why it’s wise not to tackle such sensitive issues on a computer game forum.

We used to argue about hero placement, talents, reworks, lore shenanigans, now its THE LAW?

I need a pill :joy:


Then you should see how Wow forum is right now lol. It has like 40 threads about the same topic. Wow forum is bombed with those and half of them people are talking about uninstalling Wow and deleting thier bnet account permantly.


Do you remember though with the terrible thing that happened in HK, people did the same, closed their accounts… Then a few weeks later they were trying to get them back or starting new ones.

It sends a strong sign to a company if you really do stick to your convictions and no longer support them financially. If though you change your mind you only give them more money.


People are fast, when it comes to sh-tstorms and hypes, but they aren’t really honest and sure about their action… It feels like they act on instinct and burst in flames and want to do sth, but they don’t know that they don’t want to do it actually…


Nah I do not believe this. They do not have employees so how can they do that?

copypasta is fun

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The HotS forums have been pretty much awesome for some time now, and I enjoy talking with most of you people about the game.

I know it’s weird that I agree with you, considering I just got done explaining some stuff to Maximus, but I do. One of the reasons I like the HotS forums is the the most dramatic thing that usually happens is a hero rework.

That said, I think Blizzard to some extent does this to itself/the forums. They put themselves in these positions (the Blitzchung ban, by taking certain socio-political stances, etc). By wading into those waters, they risk drowning in them.


So I have the same stance as you. People are innocent until proven guilty. It’s easy for people to make false allegations.

However, based on what I’ve seen in the past, the story does have baseline merit to it.

Most people I’ve interacted with directly at Blizzard have been great, but it was very easy to see the frat boy mentality with SOME people there.

Again, I’m not accusing anyone directly, but I’ve seen it firsthand, not as an employee (because I have never been, nor will ever be employed by Blizzard) but as an invited guest.

This story while very sensational, does have baseline merit.

Again, I say this as someone who is vocally against most tenants of 3rd wave feminist ideology (which needs serious critical evaluation for its academic dishonesty) and as a 3rd party observer. When I see this behavior in my own workplace I call it out. It does happen, and should not be tolerated.


It’s a general discussion so the fact that a game’s company has a controversy and is a topic doesn’t really seem to be out of bounds.

After seeing all the stories that have come out this week that are not vague, and so many people coming forward, it seems rather silly that some require an official court adjudication to have an opinion. This isn’t a he said she said situation. This is countless hes and shes telling of a systemic pattern of silencing peoples’ concerns and using HR as a cudgel to gaslight and put their livelihoods in jeopardy during their most vulnerable moments.

At some point the sheer quantity, specificity, and patterns that have come up, I can no longer give the benefit of the doubt. Doesn’t mean I’m right, but like what am I supposed to believe in? Like sure, you can of course choose to believe that all the allegations are false, and think it’s a massive conspiracy. But, why?

It’s ugly but an important conversation that needs to be had.