I have a handful of friends (at least 5) that have issues where they randomly get disconnected from HOTS. Their internet is fine because we’re on discord talking. It’s just the HOTS servers. For some reason, when they get disconnected, the auto-reconnect gets stuck and the game has to completely be restarted. If it’s a dotted loading screen, you ALWAYS have to restart your game completely and it will not reconnect even though it says it is… Once it gives you a solid progress bar on the reconnect screen after restarting, it will eventually actually reconnect. The other huge issue is when they finally do reconnect, the heroes sometimes try to continually travel to the same point over and over again and you can’t move normally. Additionally, you have to restart yet AGAIN sometimes even 2 more times to fix the position issue. During those reconnects, the game says “updating” on battle net even though there is no new update which takes at least 15 seconds, literally throwing games because it takes FOREVER to reconnect with all of these bugs. This system is completely broken, please fix this so my friends can stop having issues. Heroes of the Storm is an amazing game.
Im having the same issue. Did you guys solve the problem?
I’m playing with a butt loads of ram, 14th gen cpu and a 3080. I have stable 150 Mbit/s up/down connection and im not playing on wifi. I’ve reinstalled the game twice.
I dont know what to do anymore and its pretty hard to play ranked when im getting disconnected almost every game.
EDIT: The issue is ONLY when playing hots. havent been disconnected a single time in wow during dragonflight or any other games.
Same here if by some miracle I am able to connect, and join a game I just get disconnected and reconnected permanently can’t do anything else. I’m on a Fiber network nothing wrong with my side, everything flows from websites, youtube, downloads and no other game has this. Starcraft 2 fine, BG3 fine only HoS does this.
Me and other people who disconnecting mid game, at the same time. And reconnecting at the same time.
i thought it was our new internet supplyer but was confused since i had the internet connection but yet couldnt reconnect. Is this problem new? I can’t recall i had this problem before june, but now i seem to disconnect (and not being able to reconnect until restarting hots) every game…
Do you/they have VPN ?
The “three dot loader” happen to me when my VPN switch me from a server to another, changing my IP, Heroes’ server can’t bind me again to the game session and I have to restart the whole game.
I have this issue for years. Tought its from my set up, since my internet is stable. I changed the my set up and same thing happens from time to time. Been looking for a solution. Non found.