Diablo heroes in HotS

Are Diablo heroes in HotS canon heroes in Diablo? A few question for Diablo fans.
This might be more of a question for Diablo forums, but still.

Like, are the following heroes: Sonya female Barbarian, Li-Ming female Wizard, Kharazim male Monk, Nazeebo male Witch Doctor, Valla female Demon Hunter, Johanna female Crusader, Xul male Necromancer. Canon heroes in D3?
Is there a canon hero in D3 or is it D2 again with all heroes forming a team with common goals?
I know Valla is mentioned in D3 and will appear in Immortal. Could she be the canon hero?
I know it was sad that D2 and D3 Barbarian are the same guy, but I also read that the idea was scrapped. So if Sonya is canon could she be his daughter? Are we in D3 when choosing the gender of a Barbarian choosing between father and daughter? (male barb being in his mid-late 50s or even early 60s, and female being in her 20s)Also worth mentioning that Sonya was playable in D4 demo while male Barb was much younger than his D3 counterpart.
In similar way is Cassia the canon Amazon from D2? Or even is Xul a canon Necromancer in D2? In a similar way to the Barb could D2 and D3 Necromancer canonically be the same person, both being Xul?

The names are made up but the heroes are canon.

Though as a tribute to Valla they added a legendary item much later on in Reaper of Souls which says it belonged to the legendary demon hunter Valla who still fights in a distant realm (so the name came from HotS, not D3 lore).

ill add link below.


Also, Nazeebo was called just Witch Doctor in Hots closed testing. They changed that when the game went public.


You mean, they made up those names in HotS, but later that names (and genders) were canonized in Diablo?

Something like what they’ve done with Brightwing, Lunara and Murky in Warcraft, and Lt. Morales, Blaze, Sgt. Hammer and Probius in Stacraft?


I’ve often wondered this about Cassia specifically. I’m only familiar with D3, and I find her being a Diablo hero odd. I assume she’s from D2, but I can’t be for sure. I keep trying to rationalize her class for D3 and I’m drawing a blank.

Cassia, Xul and Valla are cannon (Valla even have some comics iirc). The others might.

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Isn’t the Amazon class available in D2?

She references being an Amazon in her voice lines, but I have no idea if that’s a class in D2 or not.

It is a class in D2.


Do you know is Xul cannon the cannon Necromancer in D2? Or in D3? Or in both?

D2 and he’s in Diablo Immortal too (the game which takes palce between D2 and D3).

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Thanks. So does that mean that Necromancer in D2 and Necromancer in D3 are two different persons? I mean obviousely they could be different gender, but cannonically.

Yes. They age like normal mortals do, so they can’t keep the journey for that long (and would feel dumb that you lose your gear and power).


Cassia is the canonical representation of the Amazon class in Diablo II .

It’s kinda why her default skin is old: this is her after the events of Diablo 2.

Xul can be regarded as being the canonical representative of the Necromancer in Diablo II .

Li-Ming can be considered to be the canonical version of the Wizard character class for Diablo III .

Valla can be considered to be a canonical portrayal of the Demon Hunter class, though name and gender are still at the player’s discretion

Through Heroes of the Storm , she can be considered to be a possible representation of the Nephalem in a similar manner to characters such as Valla, Sonya, and Nazeebo.

Ming and Valla have short stories that indicate they are the ones that went after the falling star and are thus the nephilim involved in the events of D3. Other character short stories shape some of the setting and context of the world at the time of D3, but those characters aren’t necessarily the ones who went after the star (notable in the cases of the monk, witch doctor and crusader stories)

Johanna, not Anajin, stirred up some players back at the time because they were all “zomg, she’s not the named crusader qq,qq,qq” as it never occurred to them to connect stories that spelled out characters going after the star, or the distinction that crusaders take on the name of their forebearer, so “johanna” may be the character’s actual name, or it may be the crusader name.

Johanna has D3 items named after her (as do Li-ming and Valla), so she’s pretty much cemented as a character there; Sonya doesn’t have that sort of nod and may just be a reference to “Red Sonya” as some have hoped more Barbarian characters get added to HotS.

Kharazim and Nazeebo are in a similar boat in being “nephilim” and thus representations of the character classes from the events of D3. Story-wise, D3’s narrative is ambiguous on singular or plural for how many are actually involved in the full extent of the ‘plot’ so it’s less there’s a complete ‘canon’ as later games tend to define previous ones.

D2 was particular that those events were cleared by a “group of heroes” of which we know of Xul and Cassia from HotS, Isendra from Li-ming’s story, to a lesser degree we know ‘of’ the assassin (also from Li-ming) but the paladin, druid and d2 barb are unknowns at present.


Cain being the most alpha and tankiest old man of the world is Canon that’s for sure.

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