Diablo as punching bag

Hello guys, i have strong issue with Diablo character. Since a lot of complains about how diablo is OP now makes me think, why he is now only moving target and punching bag that gets burned in 4 seconds by just using all skill on him? I’m sick of seeking how diablo cant beat anyone on 1v1. no matter how much i try the enemy team always crush me like a chewing gum just on sight. I have lvl 11 with him and i am very disappointment with his dmg and surviving skills… i tried all his builds and i just dont know what to do… Today i barely see diablo in games and everybody knows why. HE IS USELESS even as a tank… Muradin/Mal’ganis or even Varian are way better in all aspects. Please bring back Glory and reason to fear Diablo instead of hey, free kill arrived… Thank you

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Most tanks arent meant to 1v1 heroes, you should move as a group and look for people out of position. I can’t say he is useless because he has a strong engage and the health/substain to survive a lot that hits him (if you charge in smart and not go full retard)
A 100 stacked diablo regardless of the build is pretty scary to me

Which elo are you playing in because this isnt in my games
I rarely see Malganis ETC , but diablo tends to show up in half my games


Hi, lvl 61 Diablo here with 56.9% overall winrate (57.7% in Ranked).
Diablo is not meant to 1v1 because he’s a Tank, it’s not their job.
But he certainly can because his dmg is actually not small and he has a lot of hp and sustain.
I personally prefer AA build with the Dmg on AA at lvl 7.
Overall if you want to 1v1 as Diablo, you need to make them Stunned with your Q.
And in teamfights, try to search a squishy out of position and blow them up.


Developer Comment: We’re happy with the Lord of Terror’s ability to wage wanton destruction, but we think he should do so at greater risk to himself. The hits to his survivability may be too heavy handed, in which case we are ready to grovel for Diablo’s forgiveness and resolve it with our next update. While we’re here, we had an excuse to tune up Fire Stomp’s later tier talents.

Diablo’s success rate is 6-8 points below Diva and Mei, but he is still showing as slightly above Johanna and Blaze, both of which I consider better because of their waveclear/merc potential. He is not struggling but there are many better and safer choices.

Have to admit that the first iteration of autoattacker build as a slightly overkill in combination with how simple it was to play and it pretty much killed any other choice.

The main issue is with how bad the communication is in most games, and is hard to get proper value out of him when your team keeps engaging out in open space. The overall results would be significantly different with organized play. He could really use a light touch up. Remember that he also lost CDR on Fire Stomp from Momentum talent.

Do you even realize how incredibly tanky that is? Most tanks and “tanks” go down in 2.

Don’t do that.

Do that.

Sorry to hear that.


Really, Diablo is sickeningly tanky if he gets 100 souls. Before that, not so much. But even then he can stun and displace people better than anybody. If you play him as solo melee assassin however, you’re going to lose a lot more games than you probably should.

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im not playing him as melee assassin, but today i must rely on team that in 70%games dont care where i am what i do… they just care for MVP (or play for dmg). and thats not how games should be played when diablo is in team… when i overpower and stun than i have 60% chance that team let target escape… sorry diablo should be more than just tank. as bruiser should do more at least. I cant be such weakling just because he is tank… HE is Diablo for god sake :-/ lord of terror that terrors only own team by dying too fast and lacking any more dmg… he can only do tactic grap and pull… for me its too low from someone his rank.

If you want to be Terror as him, get better.
But this game has a lot of famous, and powerful characters, but this is a MOBA, someone needs to be the Tank, and Diablo is perfect for that.

I think besides bruiser build Muradin, Tyrael, Arthas, and ETC, most tanks aren’t very good at 1v1.

That’s HotS for you. It’s heavily team-dependent.

I wont deny it’s a big reason why GM ladder is filled with Assassin mains (because they can do things like 1v1, camps, high waveclear alone without the team) but that doesn’t make tanks worthless.

Today for example i had very good team that used my overpower and charge as good time for kill. Having teams like these that use all chances when someone is rooted/stun/sleep for tactic destruction :slight_smile:
For me are these players rare to have in my team :smiley:

It sounds like Diablo is just not the right hero for you. You can expect an ring of front and a full ming combo every time you stun and flip a hero. Especially when your pushing the target away

What you can do is look at your replay om the POV of a decent teammate and what goes wrong

Another trick to Diablo is to use his combo as a counter-engage, letting someone on the enemy team make the first mistake. Especially at lower ranks, the enemy tank will often use their kit to engage, such as a Muradin using E to hop into your team before using his Q, so you can punish that quickly. You don’t always have to Q+E either. If you know the Muradin does not have his E, and he is in your face, you can often E him into your team first, then Q him even further from his.

Also, depending on who else is on your team, you can often use your kit to follow up on your bruiser’s hard engage. Imperius/Diablo is especially good at this type of initiation, where Imperius can stun and slow a target, which Diablo then introduces to the nearest wall.


Its true, diablo sucks now. They took out too much of his bite. lvl 81 ex Diablo main and I don’t even play him anymore because he feels so useless. He used to be a swiss army knife but they decided to make him a meat shield. He just plain isn’t as fun as he used to be.

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Funny then how higher ranked Diablos, even in this thread said he’s just fine. :man_shrugging:

A lot of people grind a hero to a level like 80, 100, 200 without truly learning him/her. I put little stock in levels because of that, more in rank and winrate.

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Diablo is a hero that never truely falls out of the meta, think he is still on the top 3 most popular tanks at this moment.
If he sucked he was lower


You may not have played him much during the lifestealpocolypse that was his AA build but I think its best for him to be a little team reliant. Dont underestimate the power of his CC tho, its pretty hard core.

I hear W build isnt so bad for getting things done your self tho.

Oh, another tip for playing Diablo effectively, is understand just how reliant you are on souls. If you are at low souls, you are squishy, so avoid going all-in. It won’t hurt to let your team know you need to farm souls a bit before any big team fights. How you farm those will depend on your talents, but minion kills always grant souls, so do a little side-soaking if you have to.

Once you get up to the full 100 souls, you are a tanky beast.

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I’d rather get punched as Diablo than E.T.C. even with less souls.

OP, do you correctly use walls?

Are you talking just High Rank, or G-Rank?
Regular, or Black Diablos?

Diablo feels like one of the stronger tanks and n the games I play he’s the tank most likely to be banned along with Garrosh.

He has big power spikes and you generally start slow but he is terrifying post 16 when you can get Q resets on your E.