Delete valeera from the game

IMO i think she’s fine but her silence/garrote needs to be shortened to like 1.5 seconds. All i see valeera is silence build, cause it’s effective


But I like being 1-shot from offscreen with no counterplay.

I like unstealthing a Valeera to punish her, causing her to do a fail combo, for her to instantly vanish 4 seconds later because the cooldown is obscenely short. It’s so much fun to be unable to catch someone you’ve already caught.

It’s fun to be unable to leave your base for 100% of the match on (insert map with terrain here) because an out of position Valeera can kill you for free.

Everyone knows that cheating belongs in PvP games. Therefore Valeera should stay.

Know this a wothless necro but i’m gonna bite on it anyway. If Valeera is busted then why is she only picked in below 5% of all SL games and has worse winrate then Chen ?

Sounds like this is mostly a skill issue in QM where most players dont watch thier flanks or walk around alone with 40% hp asking to get killed by her.


The other build I see played by skilled Val players is a mix of early Trait talents combined with a Q (Sinister Strike) build. It can be quite effective and I copied a Master players build and tried it out myself to reasonable success.

As you say though, it’s really hard to pass up on such a long silence, it overshadows the other options.

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In Soviet Russia. Valeera deletes YOU!

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I HATE Valera with a Passion.

A Good Valera is just a TERROR to deal with.

Successfully knocking her out of stealth is a great little mini win because it makes her pretty useless for the next 8 seconds when stealth comes back online.

Not if Johanna’s on your team. When I happen on a Valeera while playing Jo in QM or ARAM (even worse) I take the double shield glare talent, and she never gets to open on anyone. I reveal her non-stop.

Any hero who can reveal her can do this. (But people don’t because they’re not smart)

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Many people don’t understand she can be played out of stealth more then in it. She is the only stealth hero that can activate to stealth on a short CD. Nova can but the CD is much longer.

I like her because if you have good game sense (many people who play this game have 0) she can wreck people who don’t keep an eye out for her.

I thought HailFall came back. I read the necro post and I was annoyed. It wasn’t even clever or funny…