Delete valeera from the game

Delete her. If she’s just going to be a joke/troll/pubstomp hero she’s better off not in the game. So delete her. And save us all the trouble of seeing this hero in our games


60,6% winrate Valeera here, with couple hundred matches played as her. As experienced Val player I can say with pure conscience, that she’s just bad hero design that should never existed in this game. Like c’mon! Stealth + tons of CC? That’s exactly how to design a hero to piss off 95% of the playerbase.

When she’s strong, she is toxic. As I was for long, long time.
When she’s weak, she’s trollpick, but there will always be potato players who lament that she’s op. It happens right now quite often.

There is nothing in between.

She could be reworked into Bruiser with similar stealth mechanics as Samuro… Or something like that but I think her base design can’t be saved anyhow.

I would not miss her. She should receive complete redesign to recycle actual asset, or be purged from existence.


I wouldn’t want to delete any character, I don’t see the point of doing so.

And I barely play Valeera these days, she’s too mechanically demanding. But parts of me don’t want her to be dumbed down either, that’s what makes her gameplay special for me.

She is by far my favorite character, great character design (not talking game mechanics), reminds me of my GF. I’d be sad to see her get deleted. I’m sorry I don’t share that feeling.


Aside from the “delete this hero” part, I gotta say I agree with everything said here.

It could be neat to have a stealth Bruiser in the game. I’ve been hoping Vorazun could fill that role, but Valeera works too.

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Ah sh-t here we go again. This game is already struggling with low content and there are still people who wants to remove content… (maps, heroes)… I will never understand this.

I miss the old down vote button.


Try and see if you can kill a single hero on enemy team when they all walk together as 5 :smile:

You will never get a chance to toutch thier backline cause thier tanks and bruisers stands ready to blow you up.

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So you need to go as 5 too. Many Valeera players complain, that after engage they have no idea what to do in teamfights. There are lots of things one can do.

You wait in bush anticipating teamfight [on objective for example], then you wait for teamfight to start. When chaos arises, you engage.

And yep, you always engage from flanks. Or even from behind. Val was always about tricky positioning. I sometimes engaged with my frontline, if my team was very melee. I usually provided either initiation stun/silence, or followup.

If enemy tank or bruiser go for you, you go Smoke Bomb and continue fighting in the Smoke Bomb, utilising it’s armor. You would be surprised how many players will just stay in the Smoke Bomb for it’s whole duration.

I have no idea how to teamfight with the other ult. It’s basically very, very buffed self-cleanse. Strong, but not necessary for my playstyle.

In the past, before my Smoke Bomb expire, I was Vanishing to re-engage… And repeat.
The key to successful teamfighting as Valeera is chaos. She was a master of creating it, equipped with lots of tools to survive very yolo tactics. Now either Vanish’s cooldown is increased or Smoke Bomb duration reduced, and I cannot restealth in time. It sucks so badly. Also I can’t disappear mid-fight because everybody see me. And I can’t re-engage for the same reason.

But outside teamfights? I was engaging 1vs3 or 1vs4, but not to kill everybody. I was picking one, priority target like healer or squishy DPS. In such scenario, I was waiting for enemy group to be busy with something like camp. I was sneaking in, initiating with Smoke Bomb, and immediately locking my target with Cheap Shot to land my combo. It was possible to 100-0 majority of squishy heroes in the game, even after Coldblood got removed. Now it’s impossible, because stun duration is too short and stealth is reworked.

I remember one, particular instance of Haunted Mines QM. Enemy team was all hidden in their base, defending bot lane. Both inner keeps full-HP, outer ones dead… So close to the core. I was so cocky with Val, that I just walked alone into their base, managed to kill 2 of enemy heroes and escape. I lost all pursuit in the middle of the map, juking in bushes. When my team realised what kind of crazy shinenigans I do, they run to save me. When they reached me, I was already safe and typed something like “Chill out guys, just doin’ typical Valeera things”.

Crazy times.

Now everything sucks about her, but I don’t want her to be so op anymore. I regret only the fact, that I had hell of a skill with her, and all practice go to waste. Those toxic days are fortunately gone forever… But something needs to be done about her, to be any playable.


Since I know that Valeera is one of my favorite heroes, we cannot allowed to delete her because Valeera is stronger than ever, that I would served her for more skins and major rework is coming there (along with Nova).

Here is what I think we should go about making Valeera viable w/o making her frustrating to play against:

Changes Relating to Vanish

  • Teleport range after remaining in stealth for 3 seconds reduced from 100% to 80%
    • 5 range to 4.5 range
  • Unique/Reworked stealth mechanic: Valeera becomes more transparent the farther you are from her
    • Going based off of the current stealth visual (100% visibility): 20% visibility at 9 range & 80% visibility at 4.5 range (new tp range)

Regarding Openers

  • Ambush damage increased from 130 to 140
  • Cheap Shot Energy cost reduced from 30 to 20
  • Garrote Silence duration reduced from 2.5s to 2.25s

Baseline Changes

  • Sinister Strike (Q)
    • Damage reduced from 110 to 100
    • Cooldown reduced from 5s to 4s
  • Blade Flurry (W)
    • Damage reduced from 130 to 125
  • Eviscerate (E)
    • Damage per Combo Point increased from 85 to 90
      • 90 > 180 > 270

Talent Changes

  • Fatal Finesse receives new functionality…
    • Reduce Blade Flurry’s Energy cost to 20 and increase its damage by 100%.
  • Death From Above receives new functionality…
    • Teleporting with any opener grants 10% Spell Power for 12 seconds.
    • Passive: Increase Ambush, Cheap Shot and Garrote bonus range after being Stealthed for 3 seconds from 80% to 100%.
  • Blind receives new functionality…
    • Teleporting with any opener causes the enemy Hero to be Slowed by 25% and their vision to be greatly reduced for 2.5 seconds.
  • Strangle receives new functionality…
    • Teleporting with any opener causes the enemy Hero to receive 40% less healing and their damage to be reduced by 20% for 4 seconds.
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Having bad content is like having no content. People will say, “At least it’s something.” These are people who are happy with anything. People who want quality, are happy to remove something that isn’t working or detracting to the overall picture.

If Valeera is pointless, there is no need in keeping her. They have to change her in some way to give her a purpose to exist. Otherwise she is collecting dust, taking up space. It’s a sore spot to players old and new.

I think of film editing. You collect good and bad footage. Of course the bad footage is thrown away, some good footage is also thrown away because it may not be needed. When bad or pointless footage is put into the film, people notice and complain.

In other words anything niche shouldn’t exist, because it’s not a generalist and that’s why bad. At least it makes sense now why recent reworks were always overtuned, because… that’s what “everyone” want…

That’s why Zagara is the new fotm with high popularity, because everyone wants to be a bandwaggon. :crazy_face:


Nope. Niche heroes have their purpose. They have a reason to be chosen.

Bad heroes have their purpose too, but if they aren’t being used, they have no purpose, and something should be done.

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How do you define “bad heroes”?

For example I currently play Kerrigan in Quickmatch, a hero, who is rarely played. I have fun to play her. Would you consider her a bad hero, because her popularity is low (9.8)? Ok, if I check heroes profiles she is still popular by 5% than Valeera (4,29) in master and diamond. While through all ranks they are similar popular in around 5%. Are both bad?

Niche hero has a point, if this hero is actually good at it’s niche. Val is good at none, then farming potatoes in QM who care little about their positioning and never check flanks.

She was supposed to be good at roaming, ganking and diving backline, but in current state she just isn’t. She suffers from stealth rework the most, being often unable to initiate. She suffers from low damage, unless one go for Sinister Strike build that not everybody likes. Finally she offers nothing exceptional, and everything she does, other heroes can do better… And more.

After launch of 2.0, Zeratul and Samuro got phenomenal reworks. Zeratul does not even need it’s stealth, as he can teleport like crazy and burst stuff with MotN before enemy team even manage to react and peel. Samuro can easily escape, mitigate lots of negative effects, juke his enemies forever and be this annoying force everybody lament around. Incredible amount of new options to their toolsets, skyrocketed their already high skillcelling through every roof. Those reworks spawned Kure’s ultimate weapon reputation, Twilight’s infinite teleport playstyle and many other wonders.

Hueh… Samuro was never really a stealth. He’s as stealth as Brightwing o___O. Still Blizzard provided him with lots of gifts.

But Valeera was never reliant on complex mechanics, because she has none. She is dependant on tricky positioning, good opportunity to strike and get value, map awarness and knowing her opponents. For her, stealth is not engage tool. It’s a setup tool.

Now majority of tools Valeera had at her disposal to accomplish her goals are gone forever.

So what is her point of even being in the game now? Hunting potatoes in QM is a joke, not a niche.

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He has always been the popular pick what stealhers goes for for years. He even got banned a lot in HGC since he was busted at that time.

Mostly because one of the devs was a Sam main then they decide to change him aswell.

She is just like Butcher a qm stomper but trash in a draft enviroment and will keep on being it. No self healing no armor just go in and face check your target and get stunned to death or get reveald by random spells on your way to someone and then you can walk away again the next 8 sec and watch your team lose and get spam pinged/reported for afk.

Considering how much CC her kit has, she could also be an interestring tank (with perhaps bruiseresque talents) with stealth mechanics, as long as she has access to cc outside of stealth mode as well or has access to her stealth mode in a different variety of ways so she can access her cc more frequently. Just a thought. Would probably piss off a lot of QM one tricks, but whatevs.

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Situation must be really bad if HailFall asks by himself to remove his main.

I understand him.


You will have give me a pass here. I don’t know which heroes are bad or not, and be sure I don’t know or care for their stats.

When someone says a hero is bad (when they know what they are talking about), it is usually comparative to other heroes. Whereas why pick Valeera, when there is a better option for any given situation? If Val can’t even fit into a niche, I would consider this a bad hero. Val needs to also be a competing choice at more points than she currently is.

Niche heroes of course do a specific thing well. These I would consider wild cards in regards that they can be used to change how a match usually plays out.

It is an extremely weak argument to compare heroes that have only a 5% difference between them. Hero pickrates are ALL based around other heroes. The perfect pick rate for all heroes should be around 50%. They are not a required pick nor are they a poor choice.

So in short, Yes, they are bad worse heroes when there are better choices out there. They can still be used, but why? Val needs to be updated to compete for her position. I already said this.

Again, I have no idea if Val is bad or not. I played like twice and I didn’t care for her playstyle. This is all in general terms that would apply to all heroes.

No. Not happening anytime soon. Plus I find it funny that the OP is using a Valeera Icon. Kind of goes to show some Hypocritical in this thread.

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Remove Valeera players from the game, and then from life. It’s the only way.