Deckards lvl 13: Super pots vs AOE pots

Which one you prefer?

IMO, Super Healing Potions is far way superior than Potion of Revival.

I honestly don’t understand the full use of AOE pots as the AOE isn’t that large while super pots gives way more in healing and it has a passive as well.

With player behaviour, usually players will run to a pot and will not wait for someone else to take full effect of AOE pots unless the group is actually grouping so hard that AOE seems to be a better choice but usually what I see, super pots is the way to go, especially when it’s paired up with the lvl 20 talent bottomless flask…

I just had a game with deck who picked AOE pots over Super pots but we had valla (me), tass, orphea and ZJ, but we weren’t grouping up and the AOE just weren’t effective.

I dunno, can anyone tell me the full effectiveness of AOE pots and/or how can it be fully utilised?


I use to think this too, but I think I misclicked or decided to experiment one game where I saw a lot of AOE on the enemy team, and it was just amazing.

The enemy team had a lot of wombo combo and I was just able to heal through everything.

I also found that you didn’t have to rely on people using the pots because you just forced them to heal by using the pots yourself. You become the missing link. If two people are semi close but not close enough to trigger the pot’s AOE, just go in between them and use the pot on yourself, and then everyone gets the healing. This is also great in situations where the enemy team CCs targets where they can’t get to a pot, you just go in and heal them anyways.

Looking at the data, the AOE pots seems to be higher win rate, but that could be because Super Pots just has such a huge popularity, so lesser skilled players probably drag down the average. The AOE pots do require a bit more skill if you use them actively because it requires more positioning on your part, so I can see how it would be easier to just put down a pot and then put the onus on your allies to do the rest.

Super Pots are still great, especially if you can pre throw the Pots in a relatively stationary fight. But they’re awful for high mobility fights and if the enemy team has heavy AOE on top of that, it’s even worse.

I prefer the aoe potions.

Players tend to avoid potions as is, and super potions encourages then to wait even longer to get the healing. Aoe is either incidental extra healing, or i can force allies to be healing by being near them and self-healing.

I take the mana-potion at 4 and the extra armor/cdr at 16 and essentially play a “better” li li of incentiving damage on myself to generate more sustained healing.

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It’s not just the difference in output or long term sustainability against damage over time comps but in the way how you approach the fight. Personally I believe that SUPER potions are very limiting for decision making and I will then be mostly standing in the back.

If you’re going with SPLASH you will adapt with Deckard to a more melee oriented playstyle where you can afford to shadow other players in their footsteps and your aim is to purposefully soak and help redistribute some of the damage primarily intended for a single target. It all depends on how much burst you are playing against.

Many heroes have attacks which hit everything indiscriminately, such as Flamestrike or Multishot.

On the other end you have Nazeebo’s Frogs, Hanzo Ricochet, Zagara’s Banelings or even Valla’s Arrow. These are damaging spells which are generally very avoidable or in certain situations completely unavoidable, but when 10 bodies are in a same place many of them can be split soaked by different actors and this is where SPLASH proves to be very strong.

In short, if you have ever played Trait Lili in aram you will know what I am talking about. Instead of playing safe, you want to be taking damage all the time so your nearby teammates take less of it, but under the condition that you won’t be pulled into a silence or a stun all together and end up dying in a single burst.

It’s insane when you are able to pull it of, which isn’t very often but the playstyle is closest to Trait build Tyrande. We are talking about incremental heals here, but with close to 100% uptime if managed correctly where each 5 second window results in Rehgar-equivalent ancestral heal splash on the entire team, output completely unrivaled by anything else in the game. Try it out sometimes with your friends. By late game you can easily full heal everyone as you solo kill an enemy catapult. It has just enough health that it dies by the end of the 5th second of Hunter’s Mark and immediately refreshes itself.

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I remember the AoE being super small. Which was why I avoided the talent.

Has it changed?

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the only real notable changes were from 3 years ago, which affected several of his talents. So if you tried it before than, then maybe it’ll be slightly better now, otherwise not really.

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Hi there! I play a decent amount of Deckard and I’ve got some experience with him Competively.

Super potions are better even if not all of them have time to evolve most of the time. Dont forget that even unevolved Super potions still do 25 % more healing to half hp people If it gets to the point where you have to switch to emergency spot healing with deackard, your probably healing low hp people anyway.

The AOE pots do have some niche use in a heavy melee team or if you just enjoy playing Deckard as a front liner AOE pots make it so your not just only healing your self.

Also dont sleep on Antient Blessings. Its good when at least half your team can use it (the strength of the auto attack doesn’t matter, only that people do auto attack) and if your whole team can use it, its easier better the super pots.
Especially in the example you gave. Ancient Blessings would have pretty much been a second ultimate.


Ancient Blessing is mathematically insane but activating it on a full team is usually seen as a miracle. Positioning requirements end up costing you more than the benefit from the ability.

After being cast you have already wasted half of duration making a proper concave around the enemy and whatever is left can easily get neutered by blinds or other CC. Your opponents can simply walk away unless cornered.

If it were any different, Uther would be the best healer in the game, yet he rarely gets to utilize Blessed Champion (after casting Holy Light, hit enemies for bonus aoe healing) to full potential.

Its not as hard to utilize as it looks. You dont need to be the one to hit enemies to trigger its effect, anyone with the buff can attack to use its effect by hitting enemies them selves. You dont have to use it for its healing either.
Pop it when you or your tank land some CC and the enemy will explode. It also works against pve stuff as well. Take boss or steal an enemy camp faster. Can use it to melt a keep or fort to. Its also somewhat effect at protecting your self from dives sense you also get healing when you attack.

Ancient Blessings is super versatile compared to Blessed Champion. Dont knock Blessed Champion either tho. It is harder to make use of because you have to be the one who auto attacks something. The way the math works out though, you only have to make 2 autos for it to be worth it.


In which case if you consider Deckard’s AB convenient, you could instead simply be playing aoe potions. Unless you are extremely coordinated I just don’t see it working out and at least two players on the team (Deckard+ranged) won’t dare to risk positioning.

Where I see this effect always working well is against Dragon Knight or Volskaya Mech. If I am not wrong it still counts as a hero target, does a significant amount of damage late in the game but you can easily clump up beneath it in an attempt to stop it.

I’m someone who will always pick Body Check for Garrosh or similar talents, despite lowest popularity because I understand how impactful it can be in the right moment. Sadly I do not put an equal amount of trust in Deckar’s active effect because both alternatives are much more attractive.

Would I be ever playing for money, I wouldn’t never even consider the talent which doesn’t mean I wouldn’t go for in aram or qm just for lols.

The problem with AOE potions is more or less as OP describes. They kinda just dont work. If your team is clumping up enough for AOE pot to do its thing every 3 seconds, your all going to take more damage then you gain.

The biggest difference between the 2 talents (and really all 3 talents) is that Ancient Blessings deals damage.
Put simply, dead enemies dont do damage and thus, your team will need less healing. Not that the talent does bad healing tho, it’s ok for healing.


OMG yes! It’s practically a bloodlust without the requirement of your team needing to be physical centric attackers.

Fortunately for AB, it doesn’t have a flashy animation to warn the enemy. It secretly just does its thing without them knowing.


It really depends on the enemy comp. Also, combined with Kanai’s cube (30% less damage) and Safety In Numbers for more CD reduction, you can often just tank the damage and just spam pots for massive healing, your team will come out ahead. This sort of reminds me of Kharazim healing too, I tell my teammates to clump, and we just start winning.

Vertical yellow flash of light on each affected hero isn’t what I would call subtle. The same yellow effect persists under their feet. Just in case you don’t catch it yourself, one retreat ping means to please reconsider and spam pinging means I insist you get out now because you aren’t entirely aware of something at the moment.

Hots is very good at telegraphing through colors and animations. It’s almost like watching someone’s muscles tense up in anticipation of follow up action so you know what their next move will be.

I remember when Ancient Blessings was the most picked talent on that tier, and the Dev’s had to nerf it. If I recall correctly, they increased the CD of AB, I think it was only 30 seconds at one point. Anyhow, I love that Deckard has very attractive level 13 talents, most of his talent tiers have competitive or strong situational talent choices.

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Super pots with lvl 20 infinite potions.

If you want an earlier powerspike or planning to pick another Stormtalent, go aoe.