Deckard Pain skin makes no sense... just saying

Why does a melee hero have a huge sniper rifle and a bunch more guns on his back? Why does a hero that does practically no damage and never kills anyone unless he picks a certain talent and people stack up in his root like potatoes have a badass commando skin? And what’s with the drone pet thing behind him?

When I saw the art for this skin, I legit thought it was for Rexxar. You know you dun goofed when people can’t even tell what hero the skin is supposed to be.


Because it looks cool.


Also it’s fun.


Wait… You thinked that an old, fragile man was Rexxar? An half orc/half ogre which arm is probably large as Cain’s whole torso?
You need a pair of glasses my friend.


It’s a reference to a character in metal gear solid known as “The End”

Im actually crazy surprised they added it.


There’s a mechanical dog next to Deckard. It was my first thought too. He looks anything but fragile in the concept art. That’s a big buff man ravaged by war carrying a gun. In-game however it looks like Deckard got silicone muscle implants.


Where is SamiSha to send us an ingame image of the Deckard’s skin?

Wheres the link to the skins?

The big beard made it obvious it was going to either be Malfurion or Deckard.

And honestly, I’m glad it’s Deckard. He hasn’t gotten any skins yet.


Suppliers are unsung heroes for battlelines. If a gun becomes damaged in a fight, more ammo isn’t going to help you. He’s obviously going to toss out more potions as med packs and he’s using the sniper rifle as a crutch because he was injured in combat but continues to help his team by supplying them and laying traps for the enemy.

I mean come on, have some imagination.


Old War veterans are badass.


At first I thought Deckard Pain was a new Rexxar skin. I was a little disappointed that it wasn’t, but all things considered, I’m glad the heroes they chose got the swanky new skins.

Because he’s war veteran.

beep boop i am a robot, i post images, learn more


Damn it, I wanted to do your job :stuck_out_tongue:

Also to op: do you certain that this is the first thing in the game which makes few to zero sense to you? We have a babyfish slapping others with a fish into unlife.


At least his skin has a noticeable change to one of his animations, being his dance animation. The other two I haven’t noticed any major differences in animations (outside of some heroics), and with Blaze the talking animation of his avatar down in the bottom left is ally wonky while his model suffers from Malfurion Lip Syndrome.

They’re cool looking skins, but are definitely not legendary quality.

Samisha for president!
New deckard skin looks sick.


He will ruin everyhting in first day!
Please no!
I don’t want to be pushed to play 2fort 24/7.


What an awful taste honestly.

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Same about 2fort.
Any questions?