Deathwing ruins quick matches, quitting game because of it

OP, you said you play with friends, it sounds like you play as a full 5 man party. My suggestion to you would be to buy Deathwing. I’m sure at least one of you has enough gold to purchase him.

If you guys are really having trouble playing against him, don’t quit, adapt like Dehaka would and read this:

Karabars made an extensive guide regarding Deathwing, his strengths weakness and how best to counter him. I know I’ve been abusing heroes like Mal’ganis, Malthael and Tychus to win far more games vs DW than I lose in QM.

Good luck and don’t give up.

Sorry I missed that part about your friends quitting. I beat DW in solo queue when I have no Deathwing on my team, read the guide and you should prevail.