Deathwing ruins quick matches, quitting game because of it

I only play quick matches as i don’t want to wait long times to play a match. I play also a lot with friends already for years and frankly deathwing is ruining our experience massively.

We never have a deathwing in our group and the enemy always. The moment there is no deathwing at all. its a fun match, the moment there is a deathwing and he knows how to press his buttons its unwinnable or if in our team has one its a easy win which isn’t fun. Specially objective maps and if you got no counter to large hp pools because there are other classes people want to play besides the few that can actually do some dmg on him. Its over.

Its so big, it soaks all cc which kills a ton of classes. His utility is insane. hp regen and dmg is also big. Go play kaelt’thas and if he’s on you u are dead, cc does nothing, cant run away, your dmg is a joke towards him doesn’t even do anything really. U are just dead.

There are probably counters towards it but being locked in a handful of characters isn’t fun to actually be able to play the game.

Deathwing is by far the worst thing ever added towards the game, and kills all the fun we had in it. It’s a gimmick clearly to attract new players as the whole game is now deathwing the game.

It really reminds me of wotlk and death knights or whatever they were called. Insanely overpowered main character of the expansion and completely out of balance.

What i want to see happen.

Size reduction of the model, its far far to big. Remove permanent CC imunity so classes actually start to get useful again. Reduce its hp pool to a normal hero level and remove some of its utility.

Basically nerf him and make him a hero instead of a raid boss.

Anyway, i just let u guys know what me and my 2 friends find about it. Both my friends uninstalled the game this evening and moved to another game because of it. I will follow them also as frankly after playing a few more matches with deathwings in the opposite team just made even team mates stand still in base to not care. It’s terrible.

It’s going downwards already for a while with hots lets be honest. UI is still a mess after all those years, camera is still far to zoomed in, still no talent presets or surrender button, all the basics that a dota have are just not here and probably never will after these years. Then add pointless reworks of classes that changes there playstyle completely which also ruins the game more and more over time. 20k gold for a hero while u get next to nothing for a normal match is just insane and ridiculous.

Anyway, any changes made are not going to be for me or my friends. We typically never return anyway. I just wanted to voice my frustration with the game and wanted to let devs know that there is probably a huge group of people that simple don’t want to play anymore or are on the brink of quitting because of stuff like deathwing.

Its better to voice my opinion why i quit and my friends then just go in silence because they won’t know why poeple leave.

Maybe i will test there new dota out in a few more years when that comes out and give them another chance on that front. Who knows. I am out anyway. gl for my fellow heroes players, hope to see u in other games at some point.


This game deserves better players than you tbqh.

They finally release an interesting hero and you want nothing more than to reduce him to an ordinary hero. Just go make 5v5 raynor battles all day.

Talent presets and surrender options are not what this game needs. Comebacks are possible and talents differ from each game. The fact you want to surrender and choose the same talents every game says more about yourself as a player and less about blizz as a moba dev.


deathwing really isnt that bad in qm. unless the guy plays with pinpoint precision hes a really easy target to burst down. he cant be healed and by the time he comes back you can pick other people off


OP, you said you play with friends, it sounds like you play as a full 5 man party. My suggestion to you would be to buy Deathwing. I’m sure at least one of you has enough gold to purchase him.

If you guys are really having trouble playing against him, don’t quit, adapt like Dehaka would and read this:

Karabars made an extensive guide regarding Deathwing, his strengths weakness and how best to counter him. I know I’ve been abusing heroes like Mal’ganis, Malthael and Tychus to win far more games vs DW than I lose in QM.

Good luck and don’t give up.

Sorry I missed that part about your friends quitting. I beat DW in solo queue when I have no Deathwing on my team, read the guide and you should prevail.


This really is my biggest problem with deathwing, he accidentally eats so many CCs by just existing on the screen.

I mean, it seems like you’re losing because you potatoes just give up at the sight of DW.

I can honestly say that any game lost against DW is not unlike any other loss I ever had where our team is not soaking, team is running into battles 1 at a time and getting slaughtered, or chasing some guy into their base, getting killed, and leaving the team to fight for the objective a man down.

The usual stuff. Seems more amplified this weekend as I’ve had nothing but potatoes.

All I can say, is buy DW and then you’ll see he’s not overpowered at all. People tend to overlook the weaknesses of a hero they’re not familiar with.


I’ve beaten like 95% of all Deathwing players I’ve fought against in QM. The other 5% i generally did pretty well against but ultimately I had bad teammates who thought just like you do and threw the games as a result. I’m going into QM games against DW with the mentality that he’s a new hero and 99% of players won’t use him very well and thus, even if he was OP, he’s beatable.

This is the OPPOSITE of what happens. DW has very limited ways to heal. Going out of your way to damage him heavily means he either dies, is forced to retreat or has to use his Z to fly away (if he had to fly away mid fight, his team either loses whatever they were doing or gets outright wipe). You’re so focused on his ability to ignore CC that you’re forgetting that all forms of friendly healing on his end do NOT work on him.

I disagree. I think he’s a great hero that probably shines brightest in higher level HOTS play. The problem is that bad players will think he’s just TOO GOOD because they want to run in, dump all their CC and expect him to turn up dead. It reminds me of some dude here on the forums who said Mal’ganis was OP because his team dumped ALL their CC on him at once instead of CC chaining, leading the Mal’ganis to escape. If you are a low skill player and approach every game with an attitude of “I never do anything wrong” and/or “This thing that beat me up must be OP”, you will still at that lower skill bracket forever.

I’m glad. People like you who constantly demand nerfs for everything instead of putting in the effort into becoming skilled at the game FIRST are killing HOTS. This game would absolutely be better off if more people like you uninstalled.

I don’t really care about anything else that you wrote because it seems like you just want an easy time with a game where you can just brute force enemy heroes with your SUPER HIGH STATS.


Pro-tip the game isn’t balanced around QM.

DW is a little overtuned though, he’s definitely first pick first ban material on Braxis Holdout especially. As for some of the other maps, I haven’t really reached a full conclusion yet.


His winrate shows, that he is too good. Basically all hereoes struggle against him that try to beat him in fights. You might have guessed that heroes like Greymane or Tychus or others that are able to burn down such heroes quickly would do well against him, but they don’t. The heroes that work best against him are those that outsoak him and splitpush. A Murky for example does very well.

Basically it means, try to avoid pointless brawling with Deathwing. Ignore fights, splitpush and get XP. Deathwing sucks in PVE. The problem of QM is that it is mainly about brawling. People see an enemy and start to attack him. No matter if it is a 3vs5 in the end or if the enemy just has the better team fighting comp. That’s why I said, that Deathwing will turn QM into a clown fiesta. QM is not made for strategic play. Most people in QM only know how to brawl, most people there don’t even know how important XP is. That is a fundamental flaw of this game and Blizzard is too blame. They never taught people ingame how to play this game properly, they advertised it as hero brawler, they basically did anything to attract players that have never played Mobas before while simultanously silencing and banning those players that actually knew how to play. Blizzard also never fixed matchmaking in QM. The skill gap is huge between players in one match. Blizzard made QM the joke it is today and thus heroes like Deathwing just break the whole game mode for those who want to play seriously while those who just want to brawl and don’t care about winning still have fun.

I love him, and am thankful for Blizzard to put him in (Dragon form and all.)

He’s not broken, but i do agree with you that he can make QM very unfun. There are some games where it’s almost a guaranteed loss. Had a match the other night where we had 3 specialists, a healer, and an assassin, all vs an actual comp with DW. After an agonizing 20 mins we lost.

DW is not the problem, it’s that he’s so strong and needs good counters, but QM doesn’t account for that. They need better MMing to provide fair and balanced matches.

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Just had a dw on my team 8 deaths in under 10 min. Other team didnt even have any real counters for him. We said a few nice comments to him on his play style. He got mad and left. The AI was greatly better and tbh the AI dw is better than most dw players it was funny tbh.


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I played Tychus against DW. I ate him and his allies for breakfast.

I didn’t try Greymane, but played a lot against him and he always destroyed 1-2 Plates of mine with little to no effort.

I played Medivh against him, I bullied him.

I played Gall, we bullied him.

I had a Brawl where only the enemy bad (one) DW. I was BW, we won with ease.

I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve small nerfs (and buffs, thus burfs), but based on what I saw here, and ingame, the thing is that DW is easiee to learn than to learn to play against and ppl play like headless chickens against him.

But I had games where my enemies (as DW) were competent, and they made my life hard.

While the DW can just casually land in the middle of a fight or sit in World Breaker form, you do something wrong.
While he kills with his Q or R, you’re doing something wrong.
While you get you [the backline] with E, you’re doing something wrong.

And don’t chase him, don’t overcommit for his kill, don’t stand in his dmg hoping your dmg will be higher and you win the trade (that won’t happen).

Watch the winrates dude. Only because you were once good with a Tychus against a DW doesn’t mean Tychus is good against him. His winrate against DW shows that Tychus actually sucks.

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Not once. And I have a positive winrate as Tychus in qm and ranked as well.
And the Tychuses I saw against me as DW picked In the Rythm and That’s the Stuff together and chased me into their own death. So I’m pretty convinced that most of the recent Tychuses don’t even know how to play him.

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why not jsut remove qm because it s unbalanced mode in the first place.
btw dw isnt even the most annoying qm stomper

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Ahaha true that. Genji or Valeera before they got nerfed probably hold that crown. Nova was the OG holder of it for a long time but she’s been dethroned for a while.

A Hero’s winrate against a particular hero is not indicative of the ability of that hero to win against him, it is a measure of the ability of the players choosing him to win with him.

I have 200+ levels with Cho’Gall with a 59% win rate and I have been playing Deathwing all week and I can tell you that a ton of people pick Tychus against those heroes because they heard he was a “hard counter” to high health heroes.

While this CAN be true, most of the time it isn’t because most people don’t know HOW to counter those high health heroes. So, I am usually pretty happy when I see the enemy team pick Tychus against Cho’Gall or Deathwing because 75% of the time the player picking him doesn’t understand how to capitalize on his strengths against high health heroes. I can bully those players because they chose a heroes based on his toolset, but it is a toolset they often don’t know how to use.

When a player like Karabars shows up, that knows how to play Tychus, I figure that out pretty quickly and change my play style against him to a more ranged approach, which is Tychus’ weakness.

In short, it’s not the hero that matters, it’s the player playing him that makes him good or bad.

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I’d like to read from you about Cho here:

Thank you in advance! :slight_smile:

I’m going to assume this is sarcasm…

I think one of the problems is that many people may be picking heroes that counter DW without knowing how to play them properly.

Any Tychus that knows what they’re doing will pick “The Bigger They Are” against DW.

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