Deathwing can not be allowed to play in no healer qm

This is a tremendous balance oversight by the balance team.

Deathwing power is balanced by the lack of heals/shield from teammates, but in qm with no heal/support matches, deathwing has literally 0 downside. Its like making chogall count as single hero.

He needs to be put in matches with healers.


Every match I have been in with deathwing has has a healer so far

And Iā€™m not convinced that he would be OP in games with no healers, since he canā€™t hearth back for health. He would definitely be stronger though. He should still probably limited to healer only games.


Had a match with against DW and we didnā€™t have a DW. Their DW destroyed us, as he can do whatever he pleases.

Not to mention that we both had healers and the fact that DW is so damn big, he can soak damage while the healer tops off backline.

Just pick one. Your game has no healer/support because no one, including you, chose to take one for the team. Itā€™s the direct result of your action. Therefore, you totally deserved it.


Here a thread I made where you can find his other weaknesses and tips to make his job harder: Counters of the Storm: Deathwing šŸ²


Did they revert the change to quick match that would give you at least 1 support member per team?

That is the dumbest thing i ever heard. Do you even know how QM works? 60%+ of the QM games do not have healers, yet they are balanced by making sure the other team does not have one either. Also QM is played by more people than rest of the game mode combined.

You are saying 60% of the majority of hots should be screwed by broken hero instead of just fixing the hero and make sure his weakness (which is even part of his hero description) is actually relevant?

Care to link to the source of that claim?

As Iā€™ve said, you run into this problem because you didnā€™t pick a healer/support. Even if, hypothetically speaking, your number is correct (which I highly doubt that). The only thing it shows is that youā€™re a not a victim, youā€™re the perpetrator.

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Sounds like you got out-played in one game and decided to come to the forums to raise hell. Deathwing is far from OP. My team has raped him pretty much every game heā€™s showed up in.

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Look, more idiots posting that have no idea about balance.

DW currently sitting at 68% win rate in QM, 8% higher than the next hero.


Broken hero is broken, grow a brain please.

And how would you ā€œfixā€ Deathwing so that heā€™s not broken in this particular subset of QM games while maintaining his balance in the competitive ranked games where players will pick a tank and heals?

Look, Iā€™m sympathetic. I hate 5v5 assassin, no-healer games too. They suck and Iā€™d love to see them removed from the algorithm. But Deathwing isnā€™t the problem. Yes, heā€™s strong. Heā€™s supposed to be. Heā€™s got huge weaknesses too. Everything he does is telegraphed. You can sidestep his AoE easily. Engage him like you would a Choā€™Gall. You kill off his teammates and if he gets out of position, you punish him for it.

Heā€™s probably going to get a slight numbers nerf, but honestly, heā€™s in a pretty good place right now. He requires skill to play well which cannot be said for all heroes out there.


On the plus side OP, thereā€™s billions of Tychus/Leos/Malths out right now to make DW players lives living hecks.

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What a shocking surprise :roll_eyes:

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An extra assassin makes deathwings life harder not easier, what logic is this?

Why do you assume you do? :thinking:

Itā€™s less than 1 week data from an inaccurate site.

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only in the presence of at least 1 healer though.