Deathwing breaks Quickmatch

Well according to lore actually Ilidan had astral vision meaning that his sight was better than Maiev, Malfurion and Tyrande combined.

Should not surprice me if this forum in the end has a nerf x hero thread for all heroes in the game.

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I’ve noticed a strong correlation with heroes being in weekly free to play rotation and requests for nerfs to the same heroes.

Of course there are also flavor of the month nerf requests with new heroes and reworks.

Most Nerf x hero thread are mostly because OP got owned by someone that has mastered that hero. I think the only valid hero is op thead was all the Qhira is op threads that was made after her release as she was bugged and deald double dmg with bleed dmg. I once had a pre-nerf Qhira who did 180k hero dmg. Now the highest dmg i have seen so far from a Qhira is 70-80k


trapping him in tomb and melting him down is pure sadistic bliss isn’t it XD
Unstoppable? we’ll put his name to the test!


Cassia laughs at DW. He’s slow, fat and outside of his Q, has awful damage.

Every DW Player using his Q on Cassia can be considered a terrible player.
Against Cassia and all Melee Assassins you better go W Build.

Except that heatwave deals great amount of dmg and is great against melees or focus healers, you are right.

“Take your lumps like a man!”

or, play draft

FYI, Deathwing and others like Abathur (especially with an Illidan, Sonya, Tracer, or Varian friend) and Cho’Gall piss me off no end in QM, too. But I accept my fate, and make sure to ban them out in draft.

Or just get better. Oh yea i forgot, alot of people want a surrender button on this forum casue they cant be bothered to try.


It’s also insanely easy to dodge, if you get hit by heatwave, okay but if you stand there next to DW after, you clearly have no concept of how DW works lol.

DW only counters players who let him do stuff. He doesn’t counter heroes, his role as a bruiser is mediocre at absolute best. The only saving grace DW has is most players really suck at HotS - and find it difficult to adapt.

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DW has slows, he can Q her after that or any CC, then cancel once Cassie gets out of the AoE. But that wasn’t my point. My point was that DW’s damage; outside of Q is bad. Very bad. You basically have to let DW kill you in today’s HotS meta.

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Hardly the playerbases fault for not wanting to wait for a long time to get queued up with trolls, flamers or more. If the most played gamemode has a balancing problem, why wouldn’t you wanna fix that?

Only blizzard logic

This qm mode cannot be balanced… good players knows this, bad players cries about things their mind cannot comprehend.

And no DW don’t break QM, DW breaks noobs only.

Indeed and I see so many people who let me kill them. :joy:

I’ve seen some absolutely terrible Leoric players too. I think they take dying very casually, as if it doesn’t have big consequences.