Deathwing breaks Quickmatch

You can’t counter him usually. In a draft game, no problem pick the heroes that do pct dmg and focus him.
But in QM, it’s just for luls and fun and Deathwing literally ruins it usually.

Just remove him from QM. He’s not a problem in ranked/draft play.

*Deathwing breaks the World. He’s the World Breaker.

(Sidenote: I can tell you how to deal with him in QM if you’re interested.)


queue as leoric, ruin the day of every DW you meet :slight_smile:


Solo queue QM player, don´t have a problem with him in 90% if cases.


Or just remove qm and make unranked default.

There are 5 complaint threads about qm every single week from people who don’t get that qm is a joke mode

Sadly this joke of a mode is the most popular PvP mode…


Oh, I‘ve seen a Leoric losing against DW the whole match

If you play bad enough you can lose with every hero against every hero, it´s the other way around that is hard :slight_smile:


Yeah he was really terrible. Even worse as when I try to play Leoric :sweat_smile:



Those complainers are the same people who want a surrender button they can use after only 5 min gameplay.


they must be terrible at leoric then XD
my favourite match ever was an aram, the enemies had 2 DWs (week1 OP DWs!) and probably thought they would landslide us,
and i farmed them hard,
huge percentage dmg combined with Tomb, Leo kicks DWs butt XD

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Play greymane
Ult him
Now he flys or he stays at a third less hp.

If you queue on QM it means you just want to get in a match as fast as possible regardless of everything else. So if you don’t want to find specific Heroes or be able to pick a counter, you should go to UR or SL.

No point in complaining about an ok-ish Hero on QM.


How are you struggling vs DW in QM? He seems like one of weaker heroes there. Your CC immunity is non existent because there are no tanks or CC most games. Your hp bar and armor plates melt with of all the damage because 4-5 heroes are DPS. Unlike other bruisers he doesn’t get camps or push well either. Every time DW in my team is a loss, in enemy team it’s a free win.


DW is actually more of Ranged Bruiser than melee sadly. One could expect him going full frontal but actually one must have him behind. I ussually was back line of my Team as DW and going only front to Body Block enemy or shield my teammates from atacks like Triple Tap, Graity Lapse, Stitches hook and so on or to steal camp with fear.

Every single ranged assassin hero can beat dw 1 on 1.

My favorite is tossing a jar of spiders on his head and see him flee for tiny spiders as Nazeebo.

Aspect of terror my behind.


We was ChoGall last night and poor Deathing died 8 items. He was like a giant easy to hit squishy.

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Well Murky also owns DW in most fights


Your statement starts from the assumption that QM wasn’t already broken.

Hey even dragons have phobias.

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I love to ruin Deathwing’s day as Leoric, I really channel some of the evil pleasure I presume Leoric would. :wink:

As for the OP, many heroes have % damage to deal with Deathwing, even Tassadar, or KT have % damage talents. You don’t have to be a dedicated tank buster like Tychus, Malthael or Leoric to deal with Deathwing.

For some reason the complaints this weekend and the absurdity of them has reached all new heights. Next up…“Nerf Illidan!”


Make Illidan perma-blinded, it fits with the lore after all :open_mouth: