Deathwing and globes

Deathwing is immensely game breaking. XP globes a terrible choice as well. Both being implemented has pretty much changed the game enough in the wrong direction for it to be pretty hard to even want to play it. I love this game a lot. It might be my favorite PC game and now I donā€™t even want to get on. I know I am not the only one. Nearly everyone I have talked to about this concurs.


Sounds like you have trouble dealing with DW.
This might help: Counters of the Storm: Deathwing šŸ²


No. Probably wonā€™t play until he is reworked and nerfed into oblivion.

The linked thread will help a lot with any issues you have against DW, but Iā€™m curious what you feel makes him game breaking.


Thank you :slight_smile:

But heā€™s not op, he wonā€™t be nerfed into oblivion. Itā€™s even possible he gets some buffs (at least WorldBreaker form seems to be inferior to Destroyer mode, maybe thatā€™s intentional, dunno).

So I ask you to look into how you can adept and overcome your obstacles instead of leaving your (might be) favourite (PC) game.

Also a big boost to learn how to counter a Hero is always trying it yourself. Now I know that heā€™s 20k gold which is probably a lot to you, so I wonā€™t suggest this to you right now. But at least readd my guide (or watch when he getā€™s on the Free Hero Rotation and give him a try).



He should get buffs to his ability wind ups which are dodgeable even by sluggish melee heroes.


DW is not a problem at all, in my opinionā€¦

But i agree 100% with OP on not wanting to play due to experience globes. Thereā€™s nothing to be done against a Thrall/Alarak freezing a lane to deny an enemy of its XP.

Release Li-ming was a bad mistake by the devs. Tracer and Genji (Hypermobility) were worse.

But Experience Globes take the cake as the WORST moment in HOTS for me.


Im loving DW. I dont own him yet but im enjoying playing against him. Dodging all his moves, feels like im fighting a wow raid boss.

When he dies, it feels like a satisfying accomplishment. Havent had this much fun since chogall


Kinda same, also had fun earlier to kill him post 20 with murky, he litteraly canā€™t do anything but die or use his ult to flee :rofl:

For the exp globes, I hate them too alreadyā€¦ I mostly play qm and when you pick a mage and you have to soak, it can be really hard to get them.

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itā€™s not really, thatā€™s what I thought after the few first qm, but now after several ranked games I really juggle between the 2.

Usually I end up using one of the 2 for 80+% of the game.

From what I can say itā€™s like vs heavy focus/divers team comp, worldbreaker
vs splitted rangy comp, destroyer

I always start the first mid fight in world breaker

but Iā€™m not sure for the team comps things, need more time, itā€™s more with the feeling on-the-go right right now. Also itā€™s just an ā€œestimationā€ since I had maybe 2 games where I was ā€œconstantlyā€ switching during them. Like it depends on the map configuration too and where fights happen

Deathwing is honestly pretty meh rn, he def doesnt feel oppressive, and he is not particularly gamebreaking either, his Q is a little overtuned (but i mean, if you cant dodge his Q your either against a super CC heavy team or your doing something wrong) but the rest of him needs some buffs, even if its just to his durability, since he drops pretty quickly against any % hp dmg

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Your guide looks very helpful, in theory. In practice he is a constant and obnoxious, unstoppable force that is essentially a level 20 out of the gate. This hero combined with the xp globes makes it nearly impossible to gather xp on a lane he is in.

Roach build zag was melting him last night

Laughs in Tychus or Greymane.

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hes Fā€™n amazingā€¦the globes are fineā€¦adjust

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As a Tychus mainā€¦I literally just laugh when I see Deathwing.
Just pop that D and he is deleted.

sorry, I donā€™t agree. I feel the game is much better now.

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For the last 3 days I have been killing DW non stop with Malth. Sometimes I cant win because team comp but I have been winning maybe 60-65% of my games.

XP globes suck super donkey ballz.