Dear Hanzo players - don't pick Q quest vs TLV

You can still cause the tripple soak to take place (you take 2 lanes, the rest is on the remainder). Which is a very important viking aspect, the first 15 levels you generaly want to make sure your team stays ahead in XP while you are slowly building your vikings towards their strong state.

Yes, you might reduce your damage by 50% during that time, but the XP gain for the team is still equal. The vikings arent going to duel you on a lane as solo hero, so reduced damage totaly doesnt matter.

This means the vikings are at least 75% worth the value (the 25% is when teammates change lane while normaly you would have a viking there to soak in the meantime), while for hanzo… you can be glad if its 50% as he lost a major damage aspect. And on equal XP, reducing the power of the enemy is vital.

Note that even if he completes the quest at level 20, its bonus damage is by far not as effective as it would have been near level 10. At level 20 you generaly have about 40% more health than at level 10, which means hanzo effectively does 30% less damage.

This is also why Q build is bad in general. It only benefits you in the early game. While it doesnt scale at all for the late game.

Which TLV does not even need to split off 1 for the duration to achieve since already Hanzo needs to land 2 extra heroes worth of hits to complete the quest. Maybe after he stacks 2 off 2 Vikings you could try to hide the last but by that stage it is well into mid game, especially if you never send all 3 to the early/mid game team fights where Hanzo has to be.

It’s actually decent against Cho’Gall

??? Q good at poking? excuse me W build does the same job except 10x better AND more damage AND hits multiple heroes.

As lang as hanzo cannot hit the last hero, he has a reduced range on his Q and no damage bonus. Effectively missing out on a talent tier that for him is important to deal damage.
The vikings can perform with 1 hero less.

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just saying… but Q quest has the highest winrate for hanzo. followed by W. not that hanzo has a high winrate to begin with, but ya.

that’s because hanzo himself is a very, very hard to play assassin, there’s barely anyone who plays a good hanzo in high master ranks, not that he’s bad, he’s just too hard to play but extremely powerful. bad hanzos pick Q quest because they can’t use W, but W is a good hanzo’s main damage source.

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So few people understand this. Imo he is a liability in all ranked games under master. Even diamond Hanzos rarely have any idea how to play their hero or be good at it.

Same can be said for Probius or Medivh though, it’s almost impossible to meet a good one in a rank like gold.

it’s not almost, it is impossible. Hanzo, medivh and Probius are heroes that can hyper-carry games, if a player is playing Hanzo is gold, unless it’s a smurf, he is bad at Hanzo. Even in high master/GM, I barely see any Hanzos, sometimes streamers will play him upon request and that’s basically it.

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You’re right but it’s politically incorrect to say because people get upset.

I did watch streams of those 120k Hanzos with 0 death, and the amount of micro it takes not to die and constantly apply AA damage + good scatters on enemy

(as well as knowing all the builds for different situations) means maybe a hundred people in the world can get value out of picking him in SL. They’re all masters or at least low gm. As well as using Sonic vision correctly instead of spamming it.

I’m never going to pick him in SL and I already know that. Because I’m never going to have that kinda microskill and awareness. I also will never be Medivh main or Vikings player.

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W build > Q build
W build is harder, hence why most low rank people play Q build, you’ve got to know your angles and such.

It has its place I think, the odd time I’ve gone Q build if I end up on a fairly open map against a comp built of mobile heroes such as tracer or genji (much easier to scare them off with a Q to the face) but 99% ill go W build, especially against TLV, get all 3 in a tight spot after 16 and they’re melted.

Redemption build like people say, good against tanky comps and its a little easier again. This build is used in the vid above but both parties still recommend W build, it just needs the concentration and practice

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going back to what i was just saying a few posts above.
Q build most popular. W build next.
that goes even in master rank.

So true. Need a good frontline on your team and good targets to stack on on their team.

What they should do is let you get stacks from his monstrosity when he hats it.

This is sort of true, but much like Butcher once you have played him enough you get a good eye for which enemy teams you will have an easy time against and then you only draft him then.

What are you trying to tell me from this video?