Dark conversion is better than carrion swarm

9/10 times dark conversion is much better than carrion swarm yet the cooldown difference is massive(60s vs 100s), pls fix.


Vice versa. Atleast in matches of master league level.


Just avoid malganis at all these days.
Too many heroes do a better job. He is too inmobile
Compared to other low mobility tanks like varian with his 13 and banners he lacks a good late game
Arthas can solo lane
Johanna can just use iron shield and survive most dmg

There is little reason to play malganis especially with the focus on buffing autoattackers lately

I love dark conversion but even potatoes in plat will learn to interrupt it/kill you.


Nope, people are way too predictable with using it. If u use it correctly there is almost no counterplay to it, especially since malganis is tanky enough to wait out oppos cc.

Yeah this doesn’t work for three reasons:

#1. Dark Conversion does not work well against burst, even with the armor upgrade. So many times Mal’ganis will die immediately after casting it.

#2. Dark Conversion is far easier to interrupt.

#3. Dark Conversion requires you channel on an enemy target. Carrion Swarm is simply an AoE that does not require an initial target.

These reasons put Carrion Swarm far higher up in usefulness. Even better that Carrion Swarm can heal Mal’ganis for just as much.


Simple risk/reward.
Both are heavily broadcasted but Swarm at least turns you invulnerable after the initial duration. Even with a successful low health DC cast the enemy still has time to burst you down (or hit you with an anti-heal). Plus it’s pretty risky to let yourself drop into that zone in the first place.
Not to mention the enemy will know your intentions once you get to low health and be ready to intercept you.
With Swarm it’s just a safety button so as long as it’s off cooldown they’re not gonna bother dumping everything they have into you, or else just waste their cooldowns.

Dark Conversion has better potential than Swarm does, sure. But swarm is just so much safer and easier to use that it’s what you want 90% of the time. DC can be good against teams with low burst and a large number of beefy bodies though.


Just have Ana throw a grenade at him when he casts it.


And on top it’s heavily countered by antiheal talents, Ocek.

Yes Dark Conversion can be stronger, but it’s harder to get the value of.

If people are smart enough to leave someone to tank the HP conversion, the heroic ability won’t do much.

On the other hand, if MG has upgraded carrion swarm, he’s able to put whole enemy team under HOMING TARGET SLEEP.

That’s what one may call a strong talent.

Maybe in Qm, of if you use it around 70% health instead of waiting until 1%.
Assuming they aren’t hurt much yet, 30% damage to the enemy tank (from your tank) isn’t bad, even if you don’t get the healing.

Bats are ok, but I hardly think it’s massively better than Locust Swarm, which people seem to think is bad.

Thanks for proving my point that dark conversion is harder to play, but does that justify it having nearly half the cooldown of swarm when the power level is much greater? I dont think so…

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DC has a higher payoff but it so easy to counter that there’s almost no point in taking it vs half competent enemies. CS at least is guaranteed to go off and will almost always get value.

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Carrion Swarm is chosen ~75% of the time in Master League with Dark Conversion sitting at about 25%. It’s important to remember that skilled players often have very little trouble stopping Dark Conversion altogether or killing Mal’ganis as he’s in the middle of healing due to the fact it takes time for him to heal the full amount.

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“Harder” is a misconstrued word.

“Less reliable” is a better phrase.

Remember, you’re not a bad shot just because your rifle sucks.


As a healer I hate it when Mal’ganis takes DC. He’s like “Don’t heal me! I got this”
“But don’t heal me! Watch this”
I swear it’s a trap!


Against bad players or comps with low amount of cc this heroic can make Mal’ganis quite a fortress, but most of the time it’s too hard to get value of compared to Carrion Swarm. His 20 upgrade for DC against teams, who sticks together (with Alex) is truly meme level good.

Tell them to wait until you’re out of mana.

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That might work! I will remember to say that next time! It’s so painful to watch them suffer like that xD

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