Counters of the Storm: Deathwing šŸ²

I actually considered it, but I wanted to add Heroes only if they fit more sections.
Only exception I made iirc was Blaze because heā€™s the perfect maintank against him imo.

Lunara, Orphea, Kelā€™thu-FREAKINā€™-zad, Zeratul, Nazeebo, Stukov, Fenix, Gall, Dehaka, shall I go on? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Youā€™re right! I was a bit tired and sleepy when I made this xD

Main counter to DeathWing is the queue times to play him. :wink:


Tell me about it ><

How dumb I am to queue as him solo on his first day (EU) when most ppl are at work or school :joy:


In QM no less.

I managed to get 2 vs AI games in as Deathwing earlier today on EU. Both had wait times of more than 1 minute and both featured players from multiple AI levels.

Remember that Sonya has a terrain lock. Sonya doing it alone to get into a cage match with Deathwing is very inadvisable, but she can trap him.

guys small note here : he is an easy target to bruisers such as sonya and ragnaros ( especially a Q build one oooh that 9% hurts ) and as such can NOT be left to soak a lane. he is even worse than genji in maintaining a lane since he has no effective way of dealing dmg to these moderately-high dmg dealers who can easily dodge his long windup abillities. SO to relate to this thread, dont be afraid to heavily poke a solo lane deathwing since his very presence is a mistakeā€¦ capitalize on it.

( ps : just realized zombie here talked bout sonya, yes hes right :slight_smile: )

Amazing!! Thanks bro :smiley:

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Heā€™s so bloody slow and really easy to kill, what exactly is the point here?

That armor plating is worthless against spell dmg and percent dmg.
Heā€™s easy as hell just to focus down.

His abilities all so slow and telegraphed that the only way for you to get hit is either by being dumb or literally just standing there in fireā€¦

And Deathwing himself is so damned slowā€¦ just really, what the hell Blizz?

You donā€™t even need to kill him, just force the sorry lizard to retreat after he lands and youā€™ll knock him out of commision.
Itā€™s not hard, after all he canā€™t even use heals!
Between the long cd of his flight and the time it takes to get back to full healthā€¦Killing him in some cases would just bring him back into action faster!

This guy has so many weaknesses itā€™s just silly.
All the years of waiting for this guy and THIS is what we get?
Frankly iā€™m disappointed in just how pathetically easy he is to deal with.

I just want to know why he costs 20,000 when heā€™s not even worth 7,000ā€¦

13k sec wait time. Guess i will just wait a few days then.

Armor (generic, unspecified armor) reduces both type of dmg (Ability [spell] or AA [physical].

To help ppl who somehow still able to struggle against him.

I think heā€™s still a good and strong Hero. The devs did a great job making him op and up at teh same time to make him balanced overall.

Zero confirmation or proof yet about this, but my educated guess is either:

  • Heā€™s the biggest of big names
  • Since Hero releases are so rare now and farming gold is so much easier, to motivate ppl to not leave the game without money -which they need to maintain and improve- they made it a bit harder to get him and future Heroes for free while being realistic and far from greedy in the meantime.
    The old way was 14 Hero/year, new Heroes costed 15k gold and back then, getting gold was harder.
    Now this year was 4 Hero/year with new system making gold farm so much more easy.

Just queue up with at least 1 person (both me and the ppl I saw on my friend list who also wanted to play DW got matches a ton more faster) or play now, when itā€™s peak hour :smiley:

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Deathwing player que up and get a match after 13000 sec wait time

Player have left the que or disconneted.

Deathwing: YOU MONSTER.


Fun fact: that queue got to 15k+ sec and then bugged out and I couldnā€™t queue again for a few secs xD (then came @SamiSha and we queued together, got a match under 3 mintues I think).

Think its just faster to que up with others as him as its seems many solo que DW have really high que

You guys should also while waiting check Alarak of the Storm twitter. He made a Toothless reference with DW and Alex.

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Pick Tychus
Press D
Laugh hysterically as 20k gold instantly melts
Watch team also spam ā€œlolā€ in chat
Smile knowing that you donā€™t buy into new hero hype like them other suckers
Win game


I did not know I needed this in my life until just now.

I can say with without a doubt tychus is the most satisfyiing hero to kill as DW. Rat bastard sticks to DW like stink on sh*te.