Contrary to the popular, I'm looking forward to junkrats rework

Sure, he didn’t NEED changes, but all these changes are still welcome imo.



He did. He only had one viable build D:


LIES! Traprat is fun


I find that Junkrat’s build and paths at least reliable to choose now, I still don’t think ‘Steel Trap’ build would be ever viable. At least now that I can choose certain talents instead of going the same talents at level 1 and 4.

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Traprat even better now! Those level 7 talents, including a silence!

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He was sarcastic so

(c) Tazrizen

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Fun doesn’t mean viable though.

the silence on trap sounds pretty nice. no more using self-cleanses to get out of it!


Maybe I should have elaborated more; I like how diverse his builds can be and even though some talents are pretty gimmicky, they offer great options for playstyles and they’re interesting.


Yar! Tis was a good one though but I suppose that scallywag could have waited til we got to port, but it’s not bad that it was taken care of now matey. Arrrrgggh!


contrary to the popular

Hasuobs picked it on stream within the past 2 days. “I think this is actually a trap build game.” and then actually picked the trap talents. Did he win? I didn’t watch that part :smiley:

@Tazrizen I think Q build is still gonna be far and away the best. They just reward you for playing him right and the rewards are pretty big (lots of +25% damages being thrown around those notes)

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Would it be crazy if they made Taste for Explosions baseline and then the talent at 4 just… increased the bonus? (and made baseline Q damage same as AA damage to compensate maybe)

It would make Taste for Explosions less of a must-pick imo.

I do not really play him, so i can not say much about the rework. As someone who might see him a lot on the enemy them after the rework: is he less annoying in regards to poke from off the screen as before?

he loses the talent at level 1 that gives his grenade longer bounce range. So it should be less annoying, as he will have to be closer to do it.

Also, I fully agree with OP. Got Junkrat to 14-15 in the few months after his release, and haven’t played him much sense. I will be having a blast after the rework. Well, a few weeks after–let the fine balancing happen first.


the baseline nerfing of grenade and making it so you don’t have to pick a talent for grenades at level 1 does a lot to make it less bad.

Junkrat was an example of where “tiers around a talent” can be VERY bad. Because it pushed people towards going grenade talents and not even trying non-grenade talents.

However… they also did buff the talent if you get to level 20. At level 20, each stack (.2%) gives over .5 damage.

But, they also moved chattering teeth from 13 to 4, which is competitive depending on the map imo.
And Boom Pow! CDR on your mine for each enemy it hits is pretty strong on point based objectives, and just being annoying in general.

I think that it will tend to be “if i think the game is long, I will take Taste for Explosions!”

I don’t even think there is even much of an opinion regarding Junkrat’s rework LOL. I mean the guy was a one build wonder for most part, with few viable alternative talents, that frankly there isn’t much to say. I am sure he will have at least one build from the rework, hence nothing lost, then if he has two that is already better! Although the rework is emphasizing the combination of Frag Grenade + Auto-Attack which was really the normal way to play Junkrat (aside poking) if you wanted more agency during a teamfight – so they at least tried to build around that so I don’t think they’re rocking the boat much here.

I am sure there will be those who miss his old range but for most part they’re just pushing for the optimal way of playing him – you really should be AA in between Frag.

Only thing I’d worry about Junkrat is his HP pool, since HP is built around his long range (which was reduced) so he’ll have to put himself in more danger. But I don’t think an adjustment to his HP would be out of the question if he proves too squishy.

I played a game without the range talent to get a feel for it and it wasn’t so bad, I did notice it but I think I could afford to notice it less if that makes sense

Well if you play the trap build anyway not like they’d want to go near you. But it just does make you more vulnerable against long range poke now etc. However, I don’t think it is anything too odd since again weaving in AAs with Frag Grenade is pretty mandatory if you want to actually burn heroes down. That said, his trap build is really strong now and his AA build also works fairly well so I guess that means Junkrat has two obvious build paths now!