Why do you keep making this assertion when you discuss neither the ideas nor what about them makes them unimplementable at this point? There are still people working on this game. Do explain how low your opinion of them is as despite misquoting me you’re the one conveying they’re trash.
That’s a mere label. lol It’s no basis for an argument. The game being lumped in this category, to whatever extent it actually is lumped in, just means Blizzard don’t expect it to grow. How many mistakes has Blizzard made over the past dozen years?
From what I recall you have a flippant dismissal for this too. You come across as knowing what the developers are capable of and intend to do better than they know themselves. A respectfully low opinion of them as you don’t even write what you’re conveying directly. I guess the respectful part makes all the difference.
If you’re asking me do I think that the people responsible for this system are trash, absolutely. Heavy Storm League users are the most engaged and passionate Heroes of the Storm players, consequently more likely to spend money on the game too. Some nimrods took a system initially intended to reinforce the importance of communication by removing players who can’t write in the chat from Storm League to suppressing communication at the threat of arbitrary bans.
These people need to be run over for the sake of the game. If some powerful punk or a group of punks and weaklings inside Blizzard are adamant about retaining this idiotic system across games then Heroes of the Storm needs to adjust it for itself. All this game needs to do is limit the penalty to silence, no bans or exclusions. That’s all. The application is still idiotic but the damage is contained.
You know, the last time I took apart one of your long fluffy posts my effort was wasted. Let’s try to be more concise and less “dissective” this time. The ideas I’m focusing on are meant to make money. Animated mouths on new heroes, animated trailers for new heroes, and non-ARAM brawls that flopped are dispensable, hence why they were dispensed with.
You proceed to get caught up in your feelings again. I’ll just skip until I encounter something else. There we go, you latch onto the timing of the anomalies even though I already explained this to you. The lady I’m quoting who has a much more direct channel than you to the developers is making statements concerning the future, in particular post-anomalies. Don’t apologize to me for fact-checking, learn how to read.
I have already stated repeatedly that the battlegrounds suggestions are not essential. Your speculation aside, it’s ironic that the quote you didn’t read indicates the developers are looking at battlegrounds.
I have also already explained to you that your idea of making all but the ten most recent heroes available for free is a bad one because the game needs money and heroes, representing gameplay, are its only inherently valuable content available for purchase. You’re in essence suggesting that the game is made free.
So a game that is played silently to the point of players disabling the chat would be compromised by including players who can see the chat but can’t type in it. When Dustin Browder gave this justification for removing players from the ranked mode many years ago he could be cut some slack due to his personal involvement lending itself to wishful grandiose thinking pertaining to the design of the game. The reality is everyone being able to type in the chat is unessential. People defend all sorts of insanities yet balk at the horror of nonsense like this. No. Ranked play is essential and players should not be removed from it unless they cheat, intentionally throw, or don’t participate. They could be punished out of it under a sane system, but that would require more effort. Even so you decided to attack the strawman, with your usual feeble reasoning, of implementing such a system when I have repeatedly made it clear it’s unnecessary to start with and keeping the current system with an altered penalty suffices.
As usual you continue to focus on insubstantial things, which is all you have been doing and show an ability to do. I will concede that this particular thread was “formatted” differently, leaning heavy on the premise and light on the actual ideas. I even made a few mistakes. I included links for a reason. That’s my fault. However, it’s no excuse for the emotional drivel you rely on. You’re not here to discuss ideas, you’re here to protest strong criticism. You feel offended and you feel offended for others. I find you to be weak and not constructive.
Ok, so you literally didn’t bother with the last idea. There is plenty for you to acquaint yourself with.
So here’s the fundamental problem. I’ll be blunt. You’re a waste of time. Somehow you can’t see it but you are. The thing is what happens in these gaming communities and among developers is that people are very content to waste their time. They get caught up in their feelings, put their heads down, and move in a rut indefinitely. I’m not sure what I can do to change that mentality.
I look at it simply. Do you want the game to make money or do you not? Do you view money as a limiting factor? If you do then “leveraging” the 90 heroes this game has accumulated over its total development should be uncontroversial and supported, especially if you believe the game is generally speaking underrated. I don’t understand why basically asking people to make money is like pulling their teeth out. Bizarre. Given the alignment with bolstering the playerbase this is common sense stuff. Where’s all this apprehension and reluctance coming from? Or is the real problem the forceful manner of suggestion? Worst case scenario people aren’t interested. Part of life. I don’t buy Blizzard being unable to throw a little bit of money, if at all necessary. It makes little sense to me that more or less trivial changes should be beyond the scope of available resources.
I mean, you could always just go do something else.
Unless hes not a wast of time and you are invested in this thread. That insult would have worked better if you guys went just talking to eachother for the last hour and a half.
Also who says you gotta sell stuff to make a profit? The advertising is pretty good at making money for blizzards other stuff. Heck, some companies out right pay the consumer to watch ads and give their opinions.
Larger hero bundles at cheaper prices come with limitations. First of all, clarify how large and if you’re suggesting a greater discount than 70% or whatever it is for every hero. Bundles do not allow players to choose the heroes they want to own, and their sizes may be at odds with preferences too. There is a logical jump to just offering all the heroes for say $60, maximum size and savings. I believe there are psychological factors in play here and a cap on revenue but if I’m honest this is the one superseding idea I would have to accept. This would entail essentially scrapping the current pricing “model”, deeply slashing undiscounted prices or disabling them altogether with a free to play gold unlocking “system” running in parallel.
Making all but the most recent 10-15 heroes available for free is completely unacceptable. That makes the game available for free. Pushing heroes down the price tiers is also beside the point, although I would incorporate some of this. It helps somewhat in reducing cost but doesn’t address the deterring front-loaded large cost involved. Anyone who brings up the free hero rotation should be slapped across the face. The rotation is temporary and picked by Blizzard, a tease for seriously minded players and a crutch for players who have little to no intention of spending money.
There are two categories of revenue - gameplay and cosmetic. That’s it. The second sentence is exactly a critical part of my point. While gameplay is most valuable and most likely to be bought if a game is too pricy without being in a compelling position demand can dry up even if interest exists, and the game takes another hit in player attraction and retention. I think Blizzard screwed up in monetizing gameplay and priced themselves out royally.
So, there is a nuclear option in pulling a Smite and offering everything for $60. That’s defensible. Beneath it are the options discussed in this thread that make things interesting.
The rent-and-buy idea that turtle retrieved from one of the other threads. [silver expires after one week of being obtained]
The super dynamic bundle idea with a fixed discount percentage similar to the current large bundle that enables players to pick the number as well as the specific heroes to form the bundle.
I think I should be able to eat two pounds of cookies whenever I want but that didn’t end up working out.
I did. Now I can’t unless I want my heart to jump out of my chest and wrap the JeanFrancois story up prematurely. There are a lot of things that can be done but aren’t going to work out.
That’s not what’s happening. What’s happening is that we have some people who aren’t thinking expressing ill-considered opinions and resorting to claiming the topic is beyond everyone once they have to defend themselves. Didn’t you quickly get bored and went to play the game instead?