Why do you keep making this assertion when you discuss neither the ideas nor what about them makes them unimplementable at this point? There are still people working on this game. Do explain how low your opinion of them is as despite misquoting me you’re the one conveying they’re trash.
That’s a mere label. lol It’s no basis for an argument. The game being lumped in this category, to whatever extent it actually is lumped in, just means Blizzard don’t expect it to grow. How many mistakes has Blizzard made over the past dozen years?
From what I recall you have a flippant dismissal for this too. You come across as knowing what the developers are capable of and intend to do better than they know themselves. A respectfully low opinion of them as you don’t even write what you’re conveying directly. I guess the respectful part makes all the difference.
If you’re asking me do I think that the people responsible for this system are trash, absolutely. Heavy Storm League users are the most engaged and passionate Heroes of the Storm players, consequently more likely to spend money on the game too. Some nimrods took a system initially intended to reinforce the importance of communication by removing players who can’t write in the chat from Storm League to suppressing communication at the threat of arbitrary bans.
These people need to be run over for the sake of the game. If some powerful punk or a group of punks and weaklings inside Blizzard are adamant about retaining this idiotic system across games then Heroes of the Storm needs to adjust it for itself. All this game needs to do is limit the penalty to silence, no bans or exclusions. That’s all. The application is still idiotic but the damage is contained.