Community-Members missing

I have this all the time as well :frowning:


I am ashamed to admit that Iā€™ve never run out likes.

Sometimes I click like, sometimes I donā€™t, even if I did like or agreed with the post.

I donā€™t think about it too much.

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This is actually how I noticed that Minky is missing. She is normally one of first that liked a comment and this stopped one day.


So you sacrificed him to the soul realm so you could get him as a soul stone.

Saduis will be remembered as a hero.


Donā€™t worry, he will comeback.


I got worried when neither of them showed up in the forums anymore ;-;

Tho I think Catherina hates the forums. I remember seeing her and some other forumers getting into arguments. Sigh. She and I were on the same page most of the time ;-;

As for Minky, idk. But still concerned.

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I worried that why Catherina leave the forums I still find that remember seeing her that I will post for more sometime in the forums.

catherina was an interesting character, but a bit too hot-blooded for these forums. Kept getting into a fight with every single ranter and troll and what not.


Believe me, she was hot-blooded everywhere.


She has once told me, her Brother would make her mad with his crooked singing.
So she lives with her parents. I would say she is a Teenager.

Cath have left the forum multiple times over the past 2 years so that is not a surprice. She would uninstall Hots everytime her games was bad and she keep on feeding trolls on this forum insteed of just ignoring them.

Cathā€™s response to this thread


Honestly I hang around the Reddit and I canā€™t say thereā€™s a huge difference in blueposting. Blues respond very much on their own terms, both here and on Reddit, and I think thatā€™s just how it goes.

Looks at headline. Keep on looking at white dots that keep on tricking my eyes into telling me its a black one. wp.

That one of those mini games my school had hanging on some random wall.

There are a number of people who have gone silent recently, and even if I didnā€™t always agree with them, the forum is a bit less interesting without them. KYX, MortalWombat, and UncleGanon were all people who all contributed to the forum being more lively and informative.

Things do change, people do move on, and I am sure that all of the familiar names we see today will eventually go quiet. Ah well, carpe diem and all that.


And now we unfortunately have the roleplayer who roleplays as a ruler


Pretty sure he is talking about me. I made it my LIFEā€™S goal to make this place a rotting cesspool of snark and pessimism. The ultimate goal is to have everyone move on to better things and make them laugh on their way out.
/s maybe.


Well this place will be a little more dull without em, but oh well what can you do

I know she said that long winded goodbyes arenā€™t their thing but I do kind of wish something had been said. I donā€™t know maybe thatā€™s me

Donā€™t worry if and when I buzz off Iā€™ll make it as dramatic as possible if for no other reason then to screw with Turnips.


I do miss the ā€œspray faceā€ gif she would post against trolls in the forums.

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Oh youā€™d be surprised, sheā€™s older than me, and Iā€™m only 21.