Clan Support, No Need to Reinvent the Wheel

Can we get clan support before online video gaming is a dead form of entertainment please?



Been asking for this since launch, it would help many aspects of the game imo… and if they wanted I’m sure Blizz could put in some cash shop things to make them some money on it as well.

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This is a very good suggestion.It needed to be in the game since launch.

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The crazy thing is, that it kind of was in the game at launch. Team Rosters were in the game for 3 months before it was removed. Removed just as players were starting to utilize it’s features.

And while I do think that Blizzard is going to put something into the game that they call “Clan support”, I have this stinking feeling that they are going to screw it up somehow.

I had a clan. Cost gold to create it…then bliizzard In There great wisdom removed it.

Best idea yet blizzard.


100% agree - Clan support is one simple thing we can bring into the game which will help increase player engagement and retention, reduce toxicity, and enhance the overall skill level of the player base.

There was this mention by Jeff Kaplan during Blizzcon where they wanted not only to make a clan system for Overwatch, but for all, I wonder what happened to that?

They should have done it during the release of Heroes 2.0, along with a proper LFG feature.

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Discord happened. Because I bet that rather than create features in game that were relevant to hots (Team Rosters, Clan Ranks, automated tournaments, etc), a lot of what they wanted to make was basically a Discord competing chat client for, which is what we got.

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