Chen randomly dies bug

So I just got done playing a game on Volskya. The chen on our team was retreating with the rest of us. The enemy Xul unleashed poison nova. Chen’s HP went to that grey color that indicates poison. As lucio I activated amp it up and started healing him. The chen got the fountain and healed. The poison wore off and he as sitting at about 1/4 Hp in the solid color and about half HP with the light color that indicates how much the fountain will heal. We weren’t near the enemy at all. Suddenly he just dies and the game indicated that Chen killed Chen. So something glitched out because not only was at plenty of HP but somehow chen killed himself…Luckily it didn’t affect the game, but it’s something to look into. It’s not good if heroes randomly die with tons of HP left.

Chen’s Stagger ability will delay damage that he would have received. If that delayed damage later kills him, it states “Chen killed Chen”, so that is what happened there.

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Chen tends to die of liver failure occasionally. He just took lethal damage from his stagger ability. The ability protects him from damage but then he deals a percentage of that damage to himself as a DoT after the effect ends. It’s not a bug.

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Doesn’t explain why he died with 1/4 HP left and the fountain recovering another 4th. So it wasn’t because of receiving damage over time. It was instant.

Would need more details on if he took any other damage while he was using stagger. Stagger can easily Do 1/4 his hp in one tick of damage to himself if he got hit with enough damage prior to retreating. Also if he staggered the poison damage then he likely was still taking poison damage after stagger’s protection ended so he would have started taking the stagger damage and the poison damage at the same time. Since he tapped some of that hp on his health bar would have visually looked like he might survive but the DoT definitely would have out damaged the rate at which the well was healing him.