Chen killed Chen - wrong flame color bug

Background flame color needs to be red, and not blue. Blue Chen killed Blue Chen, but flame color in background needs to be red.

Blue flame means good for your team, red flame means bad.

Hey SerbCommando,

Chen’s Stagger ability means that he can actually be the cause of his own death!

I understand that. But I talk about blue flame behind “chen killed chen”, showed in the link (first post). Blue means “good” for your team, and red should mean “bad”. I suggest that background color should be revised.

Chen killed Chen, that is correct, but in “wider picture”, background flames should be red and not blue (because it is kill for enemy team).

It already exists in the game - when neutral boss kills Chen, background flames are not purple (to be the same like boss frame), they are red. So, if my Chen dies, bacground flames should be red too.
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Since the colours just show to which team the hero belongs (Blue = your team, red = enemy team), I personally would not call the flame colour “good” or “bad” for your team per se. For me it would be actually more confusing if the colour would suddenly change to blue when an enemy Chen dies to stagger and vice versa.

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Like Thylacinus said, Chen got killed by Blue teams damage (his own Stagger). So the color is accurate. It is a team identificator. Purple is neutral and in your case Red is the enemy team.

Sounds like Pandamonium.