Change ARAM to ARAM please

Please make an end to this “ARAM meta” champ select, making people pick the most OP ARAM hero and also make people fill roles by putting yellow borders around heroes.

All Random All Mid

Just give people a random hero (even the once they don’t own) and maybe a few rerolls per day. That’s it.
If special classes have to be played because the game has the concept of the walking fountain, then one person should be assigned to that role. The rest should be a real ARAM and not the special unfun Blizzard versions of an ARAM which already injects pressure to people because it’s more an draft mode than an ARAM.

Problem is people made major complaints on Reddit about true ARAM. Matches were not that fun for the other side when 1 team rolled 2 tanks and a healer, and you have 4 weird non-meta squishies and a Probius.

Then it changed to ‘pick from 3 heroes’ with mirrored choices (like 1 team is offered a tank → other team is offered at least one). Less complaints.


Well they could bind a person to a class. And in general they shouldn’t listen to Reddit. Most of the people there are delusional and don’t even play the game often.


I don’t really like that way of operating either, but it is what it is. They’ve always taken most gameplay suggestions and done most polls on Reddit.

Forums were largely ignored.

The biggest HotS dataminer on Reddit (spazzo965) is even the main supplier of bugfixes atm, he uploads the fix lists (like what variables to change to which variable) to the legacy dev team and they execute them.


That wouldn’t prevent some players from getting infinite stacking heroes.

You REALLY don’t seem to like the mode. Don’t play it? If it just frustrates you there’s no point.


The main reason might be that Heroes heroes are in general not general. Also the lack of items means you cannot round them out - in DotA vs AI, you can build supports as a carry. (It’s what I occasionally propose, high impact talents - weakening other things if necessary.)

One example, most tanks are countering a specific type of opponent, and happen to be completely useless otherwise. A very skilled Anub can probably survive triple AA cannon by adapting playstyle, but that’s it. My other example would be Zarya but I surmise she is actually better suited for ARAM, she can make good use of her shields.

Reddit is an echochamber and has negative effects, but its not that bad that they lack complete game sense. I bet that even some players on the forums people barely play hots.

And pure random without mirror match compensation is bad, but even if roles are fixed, some heroes are still a problem as synergy and counter synergy is a major aspect here (unlike lol or dota items cannot compensate). Hence a mini draft is used in order to balance out this issue.

Is it optimal: no
Does it need improvements: probably not.

It works decently now. In most cases it even already goes to the state of ‘random decides the match’ too much already. But at the same time, its why the mode works. Pushing too much balance in can make the mode dull. While we already know that less balancing causes other issues that make it worse aswel.

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Agree. One of this forums echochamber without any own opinion how to improve the game already showed up in this post (not you btw).

Well you don’t know what the enemies have and getting a random hero doesn’t mean it needs to be entirely random. It could be bound to a class, they could give both teams initially exactly the same team, they could make it full random. A lot of options.
Literally everything would be more fun than the current meta draft system called ARAM. Who gets more OP ARAM champs wins the game in most cases, at the moment the people just draft it. Do your ARAM games not contain Chromie, Azmodan, Zuljin, Valla or Junkrat over and over again? Is this ARAM? The game has 90 heroes available right now…

Wouldn’t that still be the case even if it was a true “Random Pick”?


Yes sure. But statistically every OP hero would just participate in every 9th game. At the moment it’s more like every second game.

The difference would be - when I play ARAM, I always think about playing a hero I don’t know very well. Only to pick my best hero out of the three. And then it’s a bit of struggle being out of mana all day long.

It would be cool to have a quest to play random hero in QM. The all-mid part I don’t care about. Also, so much of the roster is disabled.

That would probably enable the game to create more AR matches, kind of a lottery but it’s fun in its own way. Even if you say that 1 or 2 people per match could be random. The current quests are a bit dull anyway, I just pick my best hero with the limitation and proceed (or circumvent it by drafting).

Not to mention Random tends to fill roles people don’t usually fill.

And/or random hero could also progress all quests like draft.

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Just play LoL if you prefer the draft system of riot.

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What even is this thread?

Issue still persists. ARAM is still a draft mode which patronizes me to pick a healer or tank if there only is one and the team with the most Chromies, Zuljins, Mings or Azmodans wins.

Blizzard you don’t always need to create your unfun version of something which is for fun in other games. ARAM means all random and not tryhard and pick the best out of 15 plus hold somebody hostage to play something very specific.