[Catalina] Voice Chat not working in Heroes of the Storm

I got it working! I had the right location, but one of the inserted values was wrong. So here was my Catalina fix:

Step 1: Disable The System Integrity Check so that you can access the relevant system database.

  • Reboot your Mac and hold Cmd+R on startup. This will bring up the Recovery Mode. If you have a multi button mouse with a keyboard function (such as a Razer Naga) you may need to unplug it during the boot up.

  • Open Utility -> Terminal from the menu bar and type: csrutil disable

  • Reboot.

Step 2: Manually add permission for Heroes of the Storm to access the microphone.

  • Open Terminal and type (or copy & past) the following command:

sudo sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/com.apple.TCC/TCC.db "INSERT or REPLACE INTO access VALUES('kTCCServiceMicrophone','com.blizzard.heroesofthestorm',0,1,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'UNUSED',NULL,0,1541440109);"

  • Enter your Mac password to confirm the action.

Step 3: Enable The System Integrity Check.

  • Reboot your Mac and hold Cmd+R on startup. This will bring up the Recovery Mode.

  • Open Utility -> Terminal from the menu bar and type: csrutil enable

  • Reboot.

Heroes of the Storm should now have permission to use your microphone. You can check under System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Microphone.