Cassia's Valkyrie

Concerning abilities that should be watched, if not sped up a bit, I would definitely suggest keeping an eye on Cassia’s Valkyrie. That ability was somewhat difficult to hit before (although I managed to get pretty consistent with it), and now it feels extremely difficult to hit. I’ve always been a hard valkyrie supporter but I might finally have to stop picking it.

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Its only really good if you need to stop a channel/ pull hammer

Why do you think trading 15s E CD for 60s ult is a good trade with Hammer? Or she can trade her Z which is 30s CD baseline or with talent potentially 5s CD.

So in your opinion it went from “almost never miss” to “omg i couldn’t hit again”?

Imo, that ability is still fine and I’d pick it over Lightning Ball most the times.

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I wouldnt mind if you got cd reduction on miss.

Val always was the less popular pick. Now we got mov speed increase and a while ago small hitbox reduction. And the whole point of this ult is to land it on small hitbox squishy.
CD on miss doesnt make it easier to land and doesnt give you bigger value if you land it consistently, while being objectively difficult to land. Comboin CC doesnt really work that well since we are talking here about backline.

Actually I would much rather like a fix so that hitting a toe on a rock doesn’t stop the pull.
I’ve seen it countless times that the path was basically clear, but the target got stuck on a building…


More like it went from a small window to a window I haven’t been able to find yet after the changes. I think I would have to position way too aggressively to be able to land it consistently anymore.

You just need to be 10% more accurate

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It’s not difficult. Valkyrie is 100% land if you pay attention to enemy animations and predict well. That takes some skill though.

In team fights Valk is 100% to land if the enemy doesn’t pay attention. Truth about it is that heroes like valla and ray should never be hit by valk, no matter how good you are, so the ult is all about catching people not paying attention (supports are always the most preoccupied).

And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, although I am worried that giving them 10% more time to react to an already lingering ult will give people who aren’t paying enough attention time to react anyways. And I know I’m talking about literal 1/10ths of seconds here but gms are no joke.

My bigger worry is that I think valk has lost any/all of its fringe cases outside of teamfights, which might’ve never been intended by the devs, but I wanted to bring attention to it.

No. Valkyrie is amazing for picking any non-tank due to the pull being a displacement CC, and therefore extending beyond the animation end. Its pull’s speed also correlates with how long its CC lasts, so max-range catches are ideal for distance and stun length.

Also, the 20 upgrade is absolutely amazing for engages after they fixed it.