Caram comic #91: Dwarves of the Storm

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My Comic AMA:



You clever crow.



That moment when you read Reddit and find out your comic has been posted on another subreddit forum.

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It’s just some random bot sending it to a weird sub where almost noone will understand it :man_shrugging:t2:


First thanks Karabars for giving me a chuckle, I love your comics.

Aside from LinkedIn (most of us must use it to some degree) I don’t use social media, but this year joined Reddit. I quite like it as you can find very niche communities for often niche interests and you don’t have to give away any identifying information like Facebook and I dont have to see friends and family post political memes or whatever.

Reddit is odd though, I’ve had some poetry I posted there taken and then re-posted as if it was their own, which I’m not sure to take as a compliment or not. Each community seems to have their own special rules that can differ from Reddit’s rules, that part is annoying. As you mentioned, things are shared or re-posted to random subs, I suppose your conclusion that it’s mostly bots makes some sense of it all.


I have had many social media profiles since my school years but eveyone was deleted cause i’m not the kind of guy who spend all day posting about all kind of stuff just to get likes. When I was working I was forced to have a Facebook profile tho since we had a closed groupe we had to join to make it easy to contact each other if one was sick.

But when I got sacked that profile got deleted again since I had no use of it anymore.
If you are not into social media then I dont see the purpose of having a profile on such platforms.

Just dont make a profile on TikTok tho. Its made in China and China are very good at stealing information about others without thier consent.

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All social media is basically designed to steal personal information, another reason I don’t use it. If I start using TickTok, feel free to have me committed! Reddit is enough for me as like here, there are some very creative folk there.

*My apologies Karabars, I didn’t mean to go so off topic.


I think he will allow it just this once :slight_smile:

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Glad you like them :smiley:

Yea, no biggie :smiley:

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Nice one! lol. :+1:.

This takes me back to when draft portraits were dynamic, and people kept mistaking Falstad for Muradin.

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