Caram comic #89: Humans of the Storm

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I actually forgot about this (or didn’t really thought about it recently). Does Shadowlands has reference to it or anything? Stopped playing WoW for 5-6 years now so.

He’s still considered angelic or something, just mortal.

Based on what I know, not really. BUT!
I summon thee Hoku!
She might know more.

He looks human so I added him :smiley:

No wings, no entry to paradise.

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That was surprisingly lore educational, I didn’t know WoW lore included humans as cursed devolved stone giants whattt

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In WC, there are powerful Order-oriented Souls called Titans. These go and sleep inside Planets and then called WorldSouls. These WorldSouls are taken care off by the full-fledged Titans called the Pantheon (defeated by their rouge member: Sargeras). To achieve Order and the safety of their younglings, they create Stone Creatures of many kind.
On Azeroth (the Planet WC mostly takes place on), they created Titan Keepers (mostly named after our own gods like Odin and Ra). These Titan Keepers are basically their avatars, the smaller (and weaker) version of themselves so they can operate better on the “tiny” scale of the Planet.
The Keepers created other stone creatures, like the Earthen (dwarves), Mechagnomes (Gnomes, wow, I know, what a surprise) and the Vyrkul (stone giants).
These Stone Creatures got Cursed by the Old Gods (Void-oriented lovecraftian monsters sent out to corrupt WorldSouls) and became to have flesh (Curse of Flesh).
This had the weirdest side effect on the Vrykul, some began to shrink. These weaker “abominations” were sentenced to die by the Vrykul leaders, but their lovely mothers spared them, hid them and sent them away.
Those became the Humans of Azeroth.

Edit: why do I always type Vyrkul over Vrykul?!.


I haven’t seen any reference to it in Shadowlands, but my guild hasn’t killed the Jailer yet (10/11N, 2/11H), so I am not sure how much lore I still have to experience. Most of the backfilling lore has been about Shadowmourne and the Helm of Domination, with some bits and bobs about Titans and Elune, although the Elune stuff was relatively random and not very explanatory.

Oh, and Sylvanas is good again.

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Just the whole concept of undead running around Shadowlands makes me go, “Wut?”


To me it’s just as weird as mortals walking the Afterlives. Like if living flesh vessels work, so do non-living, rotting ones.

so the expansion goal is to get her as many costume changes as possible… :thinking:


The Liming of WoW

For merch money!


Boo! I wanted Anduin to kill her. Preferably in cold blood, out of combat, when she wasn’t expecting it. And then feel like utter crap afterwards. Or for the jailer to pull “you have outlived your usefulness”.

But hey, the writers said she wasn’t Garrosh 2.0.


imb4 she gets the emporer’s new clothes and wears…


What in the world is happening in the last pic. Arthas is such a troll.

It’s a meme, because the latest WoW Cinematic was really a letdown.
Arthas was mentioned, referenced and hyped left and right… just to be nothing but a fading wisp, asked to be forgotten by Sylvanas…

Cain is the last Horadrim but is he also a Nephalem?

All humans in Diablo are descendants of the nephalem, but are not specifically nephalem thanks to tinkering that was done on the world stone to weaken them.


As @firesnake said, all humans are angel-demon hybrids, even Cain.


Oh I’m lovin that curse. Looks great on Jaina :slight_smile:

And wait, Is Sylvanas back to being a Ranger?

Might as well just add Li-Ming as a WoW character.

This greatly helps my self-esteem :slight_smile:

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