My Comic AMA:
New nova rework incoming, Nova aquires all the novas
Anduin is the best nova
Blondie = Blondie?
So basicely she becomes Thanos with all the Novas collected and she get an ability to snap the game to a win for her team when she does.
I want a Nova picture for Poison Nova
(As opposed to toxic Nova)
Innovative someone said on Reddit
… maybe get some waveclear?!?
There was a missing nova
Fixed pic:
Like this?
You’re missing Nova Nova.
How does it look like?
Well, it’s a bunch of Novas nova-ing away from Nova. Replace the poison nova shots with Novas
There is another missing Nova.
Hint: Level 20, “Oh let’s break it DOWN!”
Oh!.. not sure how should that look like
That was another idea of mine
I think you will regret it if you don’t do it. You know, for the sake of stupid.
Make the Nova shots screaming, and I think keeping the edited poison nova face will make it great.
Lol, this image reminds me of Binding of Issac.