Caram comic #40: Corvid-21

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My Comic AMA:


This actually explains a lot…


Too bad Ana can’t shoot those flu shots to minions. :mask:


Maybe you’ve considered this already, but I’d post these on Reddit as well for a larger audience.

User made stuff like these comics is one of the few reasons I keep coming to forums at all.
(Funny comic again btw :smiley: )


After the 3rd comic I started to post these on reddit as well :smiley:


Oh, must have missed it then. Posts get buried there really fast down the list of posts.
Gotta to upvote it asap.


I posted them as “Weekly comic” iirc, but latter changed it to “Weekly fanmade Carbot-styled comic” because a few ppl complained that my nonprofit hobby comics are using an existing style.


Even the realm lords can get sick. Make you wonder what would happen if Stukov get Covid.

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Corvid is gonna destroy Nexus worse than Dark Nexus.

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Guess not everyone were happy with your picture. About 6 comments got downvoted and removed on your Reddit post.

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It was one anti-masker calling everyone dumb.



Something tells me antimaskers are the same people who believe in “forced 50%”. And get very hostile when given facts that prove otherwise.

Facts don’t exist for this iq-group. Only feelings.


They’re skeptic about science (if they don’t see it, like they don’t question smartphones existing), but without testing anything, they believe to their guts and call others idiots for not aggreeing with their uneducated guesses…

There will allways be people who only believe in conspiracy and not true facts.

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I’m…not sure about that one.

Antivaccers you mean. For masks there are cases which have been proven to make the issue worse for the wearer. Which can be a risk if the mask does not protect others against the virus to begin with.

The issue is not the mask itself, its that people do reuse them without cleaning them. Which devalues the advantage the masks would give entirely. Thats why some people are against them.
Its counter productive if people do not clean the mask. The virus is just going to stick around longer because the mask is becoming the source.

As a side note, i do think that there are cases in which masks are generaly important (for example in poorly ventilated areas and areas like hospitals). But in the general case in which you have contact with people you commonly visit anyway, its useless.
Adding to that, if people want me to wear the mask, i will not refuse, after all, thats where the mask helps at, it protects others (thats a part that has been proven to be correct), even if its a reused mask on that.