Caram comic #15: Prime Evils

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My Comic AMA:


What does “CARAM” stand for?


Are YOU Carbot Animations? o.o

Did you draw these comics?

All of them fear Mei.

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I´m pretty sure it´s " Greater Evils", as the Prime Evil is the combination of all the evils.

I wish.


I really like Carbot’s style and work, and I decided in Summer that I’ll make my ideas in his style as comics so the Forums have something fun and not just complains.

I used it well according to this and my own knowing :smiley:

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Then mei is the prime evil.

Your intentions are quite noble

I admire that

I hope Baal gets added to Heroes of the Storm without too much of a long wait

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Me too. I’m waiting for more (Diablo) Demons for quite some time.

Some of my comics have (or will have) hidden intentions like:

  • add this Hero
  • make this skin pls



Yes, they are noble.

I also try to make jokes and fun threads but they end up failing most of the time.

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Because the vast majority is here to complain and not help others

Sadly this is the world we live in

Most people just don’t care about others unless it personally concerns them

You can even see it in the way people play this game

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How do you see it in the game?

Anyway, I agree.

“forced 50%”

“my teammates bad, i always good”

“how could this happen to me!? :cry:”


I haven’t seen that too much.

Maybe It’s because I’m a new player who doesn’t touch ranked, but still.

Which region do you play on?

I’d love to hang out with you in Ranked

Also these are common complaints that rise up in these forums

I filtered out the excessively toxic rage that those words usually come with so you could see

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I play NA

I’ll give you my B tag later.

I don’t like voice chat though.

The Great Evils are all seven, the Prime Evils are Diablo, Mei Baal, and Mephisto, the Lesser Evils are Azmo, Andariel, Duriel, and Belial, and the Prime Evil is Tathamet/Diablo.

It’s not confusing and arbitrary at all. Shut up. You’re confusing and arbitrary!


Your btag is available here. JumpyLion#1145830
It’s shown when you open a comment which is a direct reply to you.

And yes, I’m super meta right now.