Caram comic #142: thelightabanadonsnoman

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My Comic AMA:


That are funny.

I did the laughing.


Thank you.

Your welcome!

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Anub looks happy Arthas found the crown.


“All hail the Lich King!”

who is this snowman
and why does the light abandon him
lets give him a hug…
(realizes I main a light wielding maniac)
with some fire…


Maybe Snowman need a flash light next time.

I like this one. Nostalgic

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Yea, WC and misheard quotes. Classic :smiley:

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And then Arthas replies to Uther:

“Fine, I’ll do it myself…”

-keeps gobbling up his own Death Coils-

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If the light abandons no man, how could Uther die?

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You cannot kill that which has no life! Uther did nothing but pasture a boy who murdered most of the characters in WoW. I wouldn’t call that life, nor the constant battles for the amusenent and goals for the realmlords. :open_mouth:

So punish the guy for what someone else did?

It’d Adam and Eve all over again.

He’s not punished, just a nolife :man_shrugging:t2:

Why was your Comic AMA deleted?!


Go ask Ayeziza. He was pestering around so much in the thread, that it got deleted


Constant flagging of each other is why we can’t have nice things


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This isn’t the first time this has happened, and it really bothers me. I understand there probably aren’t many resources given to moderation, but then the lack of traffic on these forums means there is little demand for it.

A thread, that is created in good faith, shouldn’t be deleted because one or two disruptive individuals decided to throw a few hand grenades into the thread.

I can’t even remember the last time I flagged anyone. I don’t think many forum regulars even bother. At any rate, there is nothing that can be done, I shouldn’t even be commenting on this issue, but it’s a very disappointing outcome.



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And if I get it right, there’s no longer a dedicated web-ticket group for the “forums”, or at least I couldn’t find it. There’s only “can’t post on the forums”…

Appealing is in the making, but since moderators are barely active here they probably won’t bother, so I’m make a new one and edit all my 142 comics :expressionless: