Can you please stop forgetting about yrel

I get you probably have a low view in tyrande lili kharazim or maybe even rehgar. But please …dont ever go double healer. Why did you think blizzard even made yrel in the first place she can help fill the empty gap that a certain health of many healers cannot fill. To make everyone durable during combat is the answer. Also half the time she can help you get rid of people doing crowd control when shes chasing the source of the problem with her hammer. Stop going for double heals in draft and ask for a yrel instead.

eey man, don’t knock double healer :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s still viable. Just make sure your team still has the damage.


You pick double healer to be unkillable.
Yrell doesn’t do much healing for a double heal comp.
You need 2 strong healers like alex and stukov


I already had really nice ‘unkillable’ teams with even 3 healers, one supporter and one double soaker (stukov with E dmg build, stacking ana, uther, zarya as ‘tank’ and xul for instance). This comp provides nice CC too.

I won a game with a 5 healer comp, healer supremacy.


Setting the matter of someone needing to be relatively skilled at Yrel to do anything at all with her entirely aside, double healer is a safe and sound strat.

In the early game it’s a huge boost to your team’s staying power in lanes and objectives and the added utility is great throughout the entire match.
Every healer has a DPS pathway in their talents, though it’s effectiveness varies. A good example is Alex who can easily be considered a carry at 20 with full E/Dragon build.
You just need to make sure you have waveclear/objective damage and a main tank who can hold their ground and you’re good to go.

Yrel is a good hero but she really doesn’t click with most players. She desperately needs talents before she starts doing any kind of damage and can almost be ignored sometimes.
Bruiser is a weird role in general and many players don’t quite get the difference in how you pilot them over a tank, and Yrel brings her very own style to the table of being almost both but actually neither. She has CC, mobility and is fairly tanky but lacks the hard CC, the straight EHP and kill potential that makes Tanks and Bruisers threats in their own right. Yrel counts on excellent timing and awareness to pull her weight because she doesn’t have the raw numbers other heroes get. That or just hope the enemy team is bad and will scatter and panic whenever you show your face so the rest of your team can mop them up.


I tried her but the way her abilities are cast and charged really didn’t work for me.
Granted it was during one of my silly throw evenings, but I actually wanted to be half good. I was full bad. I dread the day when random hero rolls her.


You could try vs AI perhaps until you Master the hero mechanics. Throwing games will make you only reports from your team

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yrel has some funny talents, but her charge mechanic is so clunky that u wont be able to cast anything aside with ur trait against good opponents and even if u can charge it, u r probably out of range to hit anything.

You misspelled “Uther”.


True, although I don’t want to spend time. I won’t pick her normally. I wanted to see how she is. I just expect my buttons to do their thing.

I have two triggers:

  • Teammate with bad behavior: As a coach, I would bench them, don’t bad mouth your teammates before or during a match. As a repeat offender, I would fire them from the team. In HotS my only power is to make sure they don’t score a win they don’t deserve. Rare.
  • Rating drop - Feeling powerless: Sometimes I get a row of matches (5+) which are lost badly, given it’s draft that either means that my rating far exceeds my skill, or that my teammates are bad. So I simply stop tryharding to conserve my energy while the dice keeps rolling 1. I just leave the decision to the 4v4 while I casually PvE and bits of PvP to enable them. My record is 11 extra losses, totaling 16. I get plenty of autowins so it eventually happens. Then I exit power saving mode.
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I just take a small break between each game and after 2-3 losses take a longer break or spam some meme heroes in casual.
You should always be playing at your utmost :^)


That’s how I had two weeks without a single win recently :laughing:

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Considering the title of this thread (sounds very much like “think of the children”) I’m shocked nobody on the fourm has posted the mandatory Yrel gif. I guess it’s up to me.