Can we talk about orphea

So ik all these random “blank is op” threads are annoying. The worst part of them is that theyre written by people who have no idea how that hero works and why they’re op. So im going to try to be a bit different in my approach.

Orphea feels strong to me right now. She seems to be able to heal even after missing parts of her combo. Her ults are meh but her main damage and self sustain seem really good right now. Orphea players what is her current state?


W build is too good right now and is basically a better Q build. More than nerfs she needs a talent adjustment, yes, a talent adjustment again.
By the way, she is not OP right now but I agree she is really strong.


I agree iwth Gshki I’ve beeen learning her in QM and I can say that at absolute positive worst she needs a few minor number tweaks and a bit of talent retooling not for explicit nerfs but for talent diversity.


Agreed, for the most part ancestral strength needs some nerfs, either the slow or damage. That alone should put her back in line I think.


Not better and harder to play than Jimmy valla tassadar and cassia.
I’d rather they nerf the real problems.

Orphea has always been a mildly balanced hero when she didn’t have any form of CC in her base kit.

With that, her kit is one of the most powerful and consistent in the game. We are in that situation right now. Dread is by far her easiest ability to land with the introduction of a 25% slow for the sake of removing the mandatory combination of Ancestral Strength and Freight. Dread and Ancestral Strength are honestly the only outliers that are making her feel really oppressive to a lot of players.


The only problem is her overtuned W talents atm. I consider Orphea one of the strongest ranged assassins, along with Mephisto and Cassia.