Can we meet halfway with Auriel Please?

What you need is to be more hopeful for Auriel to do her job.

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If it were up to me:

Drop cooldown to 2 seconds.
Reduce the proportion of energy she gets from ally inflicting damage, and shift some of it to ally taking damage at base. This makes her less insane with a hyper carry.
Increase the proportion of energy she can generate herself, and add more ways to either reduce energy usage, or gain situational energy boosts. This makes her less dependent on her team being in a decent situation.
And change her trait so it also grants something on the hero she bestows. 5 armor, 5% ability power and 5% attack speed or something. Maybe make that double for 1 second when switching bestow to an ally so swapping is more encouraged.

The difference is you can see where Alexstrasza’s heal is going to hit.

Maybe other players should be able to see Auriel’s targeting reticle if the player doesn’t have it quick-cast.

Right now she is fine without it, would be better if Blizzard reworks her heroic abilities.

With the Empathy talent, a column of energy is generated in less than 4 seconds. 3 seconds would be optimal cd.

This is not true. There are heroes that can disable both Chogall and Auriel. I will not tire of repeating - there are no OP heroes in the game, and their bundles too.

I have some ideas. Apart from just giving her a talent that gives her a flat CDR (say, reduce the base CD by 1 second), other mechanics, which may be baseline OR talented, to help the fact that she suffers from only having 1 heal button;

  • If Ray of Heaven heals at least 3 Heroes, it’s Cool down is reduced by 2 seconds (or have it recharge faster).

  • Ray of Heaven heals for an additional 4% of Auriel’s maximum health over 4 seconds. If allied heroes affected by this Healing is hit by sacred sweep, they are healed for X amount. (Alternatively the HoT can be replaced with a mark that last for X seconds that functions the same way)

  • If Ariel stuns an enemy, Crowned target is healed for X amount.

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And I find that my team dies in the 3 seconds that Abundance takes to go off. Or in the two seconds that it takes for me to land after casting cleansing fire.

Or maybe in the time it takes me to cast flash heal. Or recover from desperate prayer. Or lightbomb delay.

As for the cooldown part, keep in mind that it’s one of the shortest cooldowns for healing.

Instant speed AoE heal for 475 on a 4 second cooldown is good. That’s potentially 2k healing. The issue is, that’s only a potential. It could just as well be a heal for 0. Auriel’s problem is not her potential for healing. It’s that she is inconsistent. Buff her energy regen a bit (by reverting the damage nerfs she got in spring 2020), and she will be in a better spot.

(Buff Alex too while we’re at it)