Can something please be done about samuro's escape ability

Something needs to change on his wind walk and images. Letting him speed away/heal way to often with little to no effort. He gets both waaaay to frequently making it way harder than it should be to lock him down with cc or something before he just clone cloaks away again. Which by themself wouldn’t be much of a problem except him swapping clones also can act as a perma cleanse to any dots they could stop said wind walk which would also stop the movement speed buff :/.
His escape ability is just stupid, and way too easy to execute with almost no punishment.


You’re still on this?


If you’ve got aoe on a short cooldown like zul w, orphea q, or jaina e, Kill the clones.
Other then that, just don’t interact with sam more then necessary. Spending 2 minutes chasing sam around the map is like trying to CC deathwing.


Why make the same rant twice ?

While Samuro does excell in staying alive where anyone else would die. Playing him isn’t exactly easy (Or you would see him way more often)

And one defining factor of Samuro’s success is actually the inneficiency of his opponents.
If multiple people start chasing Samuro during a team fight, you will lose that fight.

That’s not a Samuro specific thing, because the same thing happens when more than one person chase a Murky during a fight.

But I think the bottom line is that they never were in a hurry to balance Samuro, because few people play him (or play him well).

TLV are super powerful, and they had about the same treatment.

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He is actually played more than you’d think, but being able to constantly go in and out of battle via cloak/image while also being healed while in cloak. Makes his multi lane pushing and merc pushes extremely strong.
Murky is not a good example either because murky doesn’t get the luxury to consistently dispel dots the bubble is on a rather fair cd. Samuro just has to pop clones or swap with them. I’d say sure cleanse when he first summons them, but just swapping between them should not cleanse. Murky is also very easy to blow up with his extremely low hp.
TLV have sprint, but all 3 have really low hp with olaf having slightly more than the other 2, but still not very hard to take out.
Samuro on the other not has very good 1v1 potential, he is just to slippery, and back in a fight in a matter of seconds. While also getting speed buffs for auto attacking. So fast coming and going.

and just like that post from before ahh. trying to say him running away is literally doing nothing is wrong in so many ways. He literally just moves to another lane to distract then rotates back around to finish pushing. It is extremely strong late game when front forts are down.
Following your last sentence. If he is in lane, and “going to where he is going to go.” will never do anything in 1v1 when he can split and swap clones at any time you cc the real one cleanse same with if he is low on hp with a dot that would kill anyone else. Just split or swap to cleanse it then speed off/heal while cloaked.
Sylvanas if dotted up will still die if she is low enough even if she tries to run. Maiev and tyrael depends on their shield/flip cd, but same applies to them. They don’t just get free cleansing like that on a super short cd.

This sentence is always kind of awkward because people don’t know what I think :slight_smile: “More than you think” is a statment that’s impossible to quantify, but it’s used as a quantity comparison :person_shrugging:

I’ve played solo and in groups in QM or SL, unranked and ARAM. I played competitively in heroes lounge and NGS, as well as a bunch of custom games. I rarely ever see Samuro.

When I did see him in QM, he was often a ball and chain for his team because the player didn’t use him properly. Same thing in ARAM.

There were more good Sam players in SL, but they were still rare.

Sam’s push is not especially strong since it takes him a while to clear unless he uses blade Storm, and since its cooldown is 25 seconds, you can’t use it to double soak quickly. Though since you never know where he is, he is good at taking or Stealing camps.

Murky has a self cleanse that pairs with self heal, a super fast health regen and when you do kill him, he comes back 8 seconds later. The end resut is he same as Samuro, when bad players insist on chasing him, his team wins the fight while the enemy team is split.

But, infinite free teleports that remove all debuffs from you are always fair and balanced.

It is pretty corny and ridiculous that he can cleanse himself of DoTs at will. That part should absolutely be removed, or made into a talent of some form.

When you think that the ability to cleanse is Valeera’s ulti, while to him it’s just his Q. (and Valeera’s ulti does not dodge pyroblast) :melting_face:

Valeera’s ult gives her 75 spell armor. It absolutely dodges Pyroblast.


the ‘cleanse’ is more a utility for holding the invis than a mainstay of either ability.

“when you think” that anubarak has sonya’s Heroic as a regular move… :open_mouth:

Declaring an ability to be an ‘ult’ is a borrowed staple of other games expecting big moves with long cooldowns, and so characters are defined by simpler effects because it’s the entirety of the kit, not the one-off :shushing_face:

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25% of a pyroblast a dodge ? meh.


Your dodge is silencing KT.

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You don’t come off as well as you think you do quoting yourself dismissing a hero that was top of the win charts with a 56% win rate until he was finally nerfed in August. But I guess talking out of one’s :horse: is a pretty addictive pastime.

56% winrate with a 6% pickrate. Then you might just call for nerfs for Kerrigan too which have same winrate but 3% lower pickrate then him. Or Probius which have higher then him but one of the lowest pickrates.

Winrates dont really tell the whole story about a hero. He is just a niche hero like Kerri. Only wins if the enemy team comp is easy enough to beat. Those few Sam mains who make him look OP in QM dont really tell the whole story. Throw him in the hands of the average silver player and you wont see much from him.

Most people just assume a hero is OP just because they got beaten hard by someone who mastered the hero to its fullest. But when they decide to play sad hero themself they fail every aspect of it.


That never happened to me, ever :slight_smile:

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Yeah, judging by his wind talents which all seem to be performing very well comparatively, he could probably bring his ww regeneration down to 1.5% from 2%. I knew the nerf he got would still keep him near the top.

Burning Blade could also get a slight nerf against non heroes just to disincentivize antisocial kinds of behavior. It’s not a surprise at all why it’s so much more picked compared to the other two because it takes far less skill when you don’t require hero hits to optimize.

Yeah he’s a character they’ve never been able to figure out, they probably never will. Difficult for most people to understand how to attend to his presence without going overboard.

Please no more nerfs :frowning: