Can I get my skins/mounts back?

Multiple skins and mounts are unusable… and I’ve owned them for years??? Please fix. Has been this way for a few months now. Don’t want to process a refund for everything I’ve ever purchased in hots.

That bug started when they accidentally released the pink D.Va bike ahead of time. There’s no estimated time when the bug will be fully fixed.

The users worst affected by the bug seem to be those who picked or tried the bugged mount (which is not supposed to be available), which has messed up their inventory of mounts and skins.

Some people still can’t pick many of their mounts while in a draft screen either.


Hi Ripper,

I believe you should make a post in this thread if you have not yet:

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If you want this to be fixed sooner then soon™, please fill out the form and the payment of the amount of (your Soul) will be processed within 1-2 weeks.

Best regards,



I’m paying my second month for WoW after a longer break. The game in its current state is just skin pack expansion and it is obvious how overwhelmed the devs are with the amount of current problems.

You would assume they would start acting on class balance once the mythic raid race has completed but I guess it will take them one more week at least. Conveniently enough it’s holiday season and we can assume there’s barely anyone in the office. Except it is always one more week. Next time wait until the reviews come pouring in because the beta test is just one massive PR stunt.

Hots might get some attention again once the noise dies down. Quite silly how they are milking the players dry in one game while being entirely clueless on how to make another game self-sustainable and avoiding all attempts to try and do so. Complete failure of the management, yet they will all rake in huge bonuses this year.


I heard something about the dva thing, but I hadn’t selected it (wasn’t my type of cosmetic). However, I am STILL having things going missing. Just last night I noticed my Diablo 3 Diablo skins are gone (the alien ones), yet I just used this a week ago??? And yes also the clouds. Yet, I am able to select the clouds now (were locked) but it just sticks me on a horse. Like… I bought these clouds with real money… and I can’t use them???

Even can heard that I could need about mount that I still want to seen in Lootboxes as I can followed:

  • Alarak use Highlord’s Ascent while the rest of that team using Tal’darim Reaver mount.
  • most of the Key Leaders & Memberships (with exceptions of Abathur & Dehaka) using Ghost Speeder mount. when I brought Cursed Witch Whitemane skin next Fall collection I use her own mount.
  • Abathur & Dehaka being the Zerg heroes resulted I allowed this Speeder mount for Qhira & Blaze.

EDIT: as I know about heroes that features StarCraft-themed skins or tints would allowed to Ghost Speeder mount. heroes that not included for StarCraft-themed skins or tints had used Basic mounts differently.

As heroes like Arthas, Anduin, Mei, & Gazlowe was involving in the Craft Wars had used Basic mounts differently because these skins being Seasonal, even D.Va are now part of the new NewsCenter service.

Necro’ing… because even after the latest patch, this is what… 2-3 months now now that some skins/mounts aren’t working??? C’mon… I’d rather the shtuff I paid for work… than random patches buffing people who were already strong.

I know that some of skins & mounts are still work after too many Bugs about these any cosmetics here.

As I answer none of my skins & mounts are Bug since first I play of this game how want to see for this?

Update: seem that about our Key Leaders that need some changed skins, Valeera now used SI:7 tint for her Bloodfang skin, as mentioned change for Jaina moved to her Arcanist skin instead, the rest remained same.

Trivia: both Jaina & D.Va skins seem to be their home universe entity, which most of the Key Leaders based on The Nexus-themed skins, although D.Va did gaining StarCraft-themed skin, All of Jaina skins however are from Warcraft entity, but I would see for any insight that why Jaina skins hasn’t related to The Nexus realms at all seem to be more complex at her home universe, the group fans had talk to developers about her Theramore skin said “I had answer that why these skins for Jaina are from one universe entity”, Jaina also was one of 13 heroes in the game with more than 5 separate skins (via data).