Butcher is beyond broken

Interesting point of view. However, my recent matches playing as Butcher have told me another story. Normally, up until recently, people have usually been easy to ambush with Butcher, however, I’ve had a couple matches where a really good Murky actually shut me down pretty hard. That and a bad team and/or enemy team comp heavy with CC shuts you down pretty hard and makes you feel useless as Butcher.

First off, don’t bump 4 month old threads.

Second off, don’t bump threads from known trolls.

However, I can assure you that The Butcher is not overpowered. In fact, he’s quite weak. Butcher has no way to disengage once he starts attacking. All you have to do to counter him is walk away back into your team. The Butcher will either follow you like a dope and get killed, or he’ll have to retreat and will have wasted his cooldowns (and will possibly still die since he took himself out of position).

Granted, this only works if you’re not out of position, which is why The Butcher preys on newbies. “In position” is anywhere that you know you can escape from if you’re ganked. Sometimes in position is right at the enemy’s gate, sometimes it’s way back at yours. It depends on your hero, your allies, and your enemies. Just keep in the back of your mind “If The Butcher charges me right now, can I live?” and if the answer is no, move until it becomes yes.

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Also, their first post.

Coincidence? I think not!


A bit off topic, but I hate it when I’m playing Anduin and the Butcher on my team is afraid to engage. I’m literally waiting for him to use his charge, so I can give him Lightbomb, but he just stays in the back, afraid of not overextending, and charges when the fight is already nearly over… Hell, with Anduin he can afford to overextend once every 80 sec.
I enjoy playing with agressive Butchers, when I’m Anduin. They’d be running to their own death with any other hero, but Anduin enables Butcher really well :stuck_out_tongue:


He’s really strong against random groups/comps, but I wouldn’t call him “broken.” A well-placed stun or blind while he’s charging and he’s suddenly put himself badly out of position and gained little to nothing in exchange.

Even if he goes for a “mage build” as the OP calls it, waiting to see which talents he picks and then skilling into armor/blind or spell resist/silence respectively works wonders.

That one shouldn’t overextend or wander alone in the dark without knowing where The Butcher is should be self-evident.

As powerful and indestructible as Butcher can get, he should only be rewarded for killing heroes instead of farming minions. This way his teammates would have to babysit him till he is powerful enough to kick everyones ‘ask’ all on his own.

But just like all the other heroes who have to build up power, he should be heavily taxed any time he dies.

Butchers an easy pick, with no skill or strategy involved to play, its just stomp away and get high kills.

meh, I think butcher is underwhelming. keep him in check and win easily.

true in total noob games, which are more and more common, he can dominate late game. so can alarak, so can varian, so can many heros if peopole have no clue. I play rag a ton now because people are so bad they stand in fire. butcher is a crush noobs character is all, but he’s really not that good

Unrealted, but the player base has gotten so bad in the last year. Any character that needs a counter is hopelessly broken and needs fixing, even if they are dead in the water when counterd. It’s like everyone wants a no brainer comp that just need to point and shoot, and have them all balanced.

I don’t even see people straffe anymore, hardly ever. Characters like kerrigan are super easy to dodge, yet no one dodges attacks.

Sadly, I think is because hots did such a horrible job of creating a place where really talented players can play with other talented players. Instead, it’s aways the weakest link loses the game, and there is little you can do to stop it.

Back to why it’s related, Butcher on a bad team is horrible horrible horrible. On a good team he wrecks, but I bet those same teams feeding him kills would have steam rolled the other team anyway. Butcher just tends to stand out because he charges in and cleans up.

It’s more about how unbalenced the game as whole is, rather than how strong butcher is.

Yes, butcher is beyond broken.

5 months later. :sob:


This is the 2nd time this fossil of a thread was bumped by someone who doesn’t have peel

But its a Secant thread, how can anyone hate on that? We’re lucky to get one a year.

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Rest assured he won’t be joining us anymore :disappointed:

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Laughing in Tassadar

Good spot to add (after a tass icon post), when I play Tass I just nuke butcher constantly.

If he charges you, disappear. If he charges someone else shield and zap him.

Butcher is really really easy to counter, if you only try to counter him . . . which 99 pecent of players don’t.

Worst thing to do, stand there and let him heal off you with no counter. That is death.

a bit of cc and bam hes gone

not so fast buddy
in fact bucher lamb range is pretty far, if u are alone (like soaking xp) and he has you in vision, butcher can chain you from afar and you won’t be able to do anything about it, he gonna kill you, the only way to survive (maybe) is standing with others (meh), or if butch is not stacked yet (bad butch)… so I wouldn’t laugh too much against a stacked one

How many times is this thread gonna get bumped :neutral_face:

It’s literally been dragged through an entire year.

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oh crap, its true, lol this thread has more than 1 year :joy:

Ive been always wondering how the hell people find those threads :confused:

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