I wonder if Jumper competes with Untouchable.
Jumper is default pick if the game is even, if you’re absolutely rolling the enemy or aren’t hard countered then untouchable is safe pick. Jumper gives you that little bit of defense that is so much needed in fights, it also lets you chase when 0 blinks or escape when 0 blinks because of the faster CD.
he problem with Jumper is that the shield is virtually nothing because her health pool is so tiny. To top this, it adds a weird emphasis on burning Blink charges for staying in to stay alive.
They also did this with other talents and her baseline leech, but all of these suck, even when working together. She straight up doesn’t get enough returns on a pure AA build with her defensive options. Focusing on mobility and burst is just… safer.
I’ve tried using Jumper, and I’ve seen other Tracers use it, and it doesn’t mitigate anything. If it gave her block charges, it might actually be pretty good.
6% of maximum health is certainly not huge due to her low health pool but its pretty decent. If you burn 3 blinks instantly you might not take 18% of damage within the 3 second window the shield lasts. You should never burn 3 blinks anyways unless you’re diving and plan to recall quickly or need to run to avoid getting picked. mid to late game its hundreds of hp during engagements.
Untouchable is of course superior for more damage but that’s IF you can keep your stacks, and thats usually easier said than done. Jumper will always give you value, while untouchable can go either way.
Well first off, my only point was that Jumper does grant something, even if it feels like nothing.
But Jumper isn’t totally bad. A shield for about 120 (based off of health at level 13) is decent. Its something at least. It will help a little if you are in a tight spot. It might be able to help you out. I’m not saying the talent is the best on that tier, because I believe Untouchable is the best talent at that tier, but the talent isn’t completely useless.
I do think Tracer needs nerfs on her baseline self sustain and a little bit more damage and base health. Her talents seem to work decently enough that she doesn’t need a rework, just a shift in power.
Lol “iTs sArCaSaM.” Right you say that now cause everyone disagrees with you
I would say it’s exactly the opposite. Everyone disagrees with you
Just make a new post… this is junk
Tracer and Zeratul are the LAST dive assassin to get buff’s until the Medallion is gone.
Zeratul still doesn’t need buffs even if medallion is gone
Yeah… he needs. for his AA build and for the Q build.
Just because he is counter to your Raynor doesnt mean he doesnt need buffs.