As a Master skill level Tracer main, i think she’s pretty weak now. Intouchable shouldn’t lose all accumulations when you die, since it makes her damage bad. “Is that a healt pack?” also needs to grant 10% extra healing or something. it’s got a hard time staying alive, so the 10% increased heals would make the healing more powerful.
Finally, recall needs to automatically trigger a free blink so it’s not a death sentence out of position alongside 1 second of invulnerability…
Please. Consider my request. I want to pick Tracer, but I get called a troll when I do. It’s sad /s
Yeah. I can tell you right now that this will NEVER happen lol. No one gets invulnerable baseline. If they gave it to a hero with mobility. There would be a pitchfork shortage around here.
Untouchable is a noob trap talent, just like Convection and Butcher and every other “get kills don’t die” talent.
Would losing half her stacks per death be fair?
Why? Doesn’t this talent increase healing from orbs and fountains by 100%? Do you mean instantly restore 10% max health?
I love this! It makes perfect sense considering how low her health is.
So…instead of asking for the more logical choice aka a health buff which would be fair you ask for some omega buff elsewhere. M’kay
For those who haven’t noticed, my post is sarcasm.
I copied myself from a forum troll called “Secant” nothing else, lol.
However, I agree that they should buff Tracer and in fact I am very excited for it to arrive next Wednesday to see if there will be changes to Tracer, but not like the ones I put in my OP (Except untouchable)
It could be uwu.
Yes but I mean also give her a passive function that increases all heals Tracer receives by 10% permanently.
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Hammer has weakness. Hes too slow and immoble. Please give him teleport so he can move around quickly. Hammet being able to teleport will really help out when people dive him becauee right now he cant get away or anything.
Username checks out, been playing tracer all her life.
(dinosaur joke here)
Tracer is way too much of a nightmare for buffs to be anything but extremely slight.
She’s been nerfed into this state for a reason, her whole character design is based around singling out heroes that aren’t great at dueling then subsequently dueling them to death.
She can either be squishy or she can lose some mobility, because having the extreme amounts of mobility she has while having any additional survivability is going to be a huge problem for backlines everywhere.
Tracer is a perfectly fine pick, and I’ve never seen anyone at “Master” level play complain about her.
I’m going to read this line repeatedly.
I’m pretty sure it’s some kind of code.
Because it can’t mean what it looks like it means, it’s gotta mean something else.
It should just not be tied to kills.
Like when they changed Greymane’s Wizened Duelist to go off attacks rather than kills.
Make it go up every time she lands a Time Bomb (lost on death), or maybe make it a stack that lasts like 20 seconds and goes up when she melees a hero, or make it go off auto-attacks but reset when she uses Recall or dies.
There are any number of interesting, skill-based options, that make it not useless outside of the leagues where people die all the time.
They are planning to rework her.
They just haven’t said anything about how, and Tass and D.Va were mentioned for rework before her I think.
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Start by improving her garbage level 7.
Yeah, maybe not a teleport but she really needs something like a 60% speed boost or something… Maybe we could call it “Thrusters?”
OP, you gonna need a big-
/s at the end of a post like this.
I did not understand the reference 
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“/s” denotes the end of a sarcastic statement, specifically one where the sarcasm is not so obvious that people would need extra context to understand that it is supposed to be sarcasm.
i.e. “Xul is perfectly balanced right now /s” or “Genji needs more nerfs! /s”
Oh yes, don’t worry.
With Tracer’s hatred I don’t doubt it 
But you see, I hear about people licking toilet seats, or eating tide pods, or paying boatloads for a banana taped to a wall, or believing the Earth is flat. When something doesn’t seem to make sense, it’s so much easier to assume that what people claim is some kind of joke, and try to figure out what it really means.
But it’s not like your first two points weren’t touching on actual partial issues, even if not addressing them how I think they should.
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Can someone explain to me why this is flagged down? Ideas were rational but wtf forums? Can someone explain to me why this is flagged down for no good reason
Btw pic or it didnt happens. You said you had trust level regular. Post a pic where you are master or dont call yourself this