Hope you’re doing well then.
I appreciate that.
Ha, I knew I was good at math! I made your day 10% better
Not going to say you didn’t, but I just don’t like my personal life being the focus on a forum.
I still like that you took time to write something that was mean to make someone feel better, even if its just 1%.
Hmm. About this thread though, I think Tracer could use nerfs on her healing, and buffs on her damage. Just shift the power.
Also, does Ricochet really cancel out Focus Fire? I mean you are unloading your whole magazine on a target, its just spreading to another target right?
I don’t think a talent should completely cancel out another talent. It gives you less freedom to mix around talents and affects talent diversity, which can sometimes be a problem. Fixing that should help her. I like taking Focus Fire because I’m not the best Tracer, but I have trouble in larger team fights because I feel like I only do single target damage. I would like to take Ricochet also so that my damage can spread, but I don’t because I think it cancels out Focus Fire, which sucks. And in good team comps, if the Tracer dives in to finish the hero she is targetting, it is very easy for the enemy team to isolate her and eliminate her or she will just retreat, both situations ending with no kills. If Ricochet and Focus fire had synergy, you could deal damage to one target and get the bonus, while still damaging other enemies.
Sure you could take Locked and Loaded instead of Focus Fire but I think Tracer needs some talents that don’t require so much effort of remembering to push another button. Sounds like something a noob would say, and you might be right in thinking that, but it allows Tracer to be played by lower skilled players and still be effective. Giving her different ways to be effective at different skill levels, is beneficial. It makes her a high skill cap hero, while also not being very hard to play with beginner players.
It doesn’t. Ricochet “Focus Fire” only cares that you use a full magasine on the primary target. You still get the bonus from the last bullet if you picked Ricochet. Note that you also don’t lose dps if you picked “Focus Fire” and “Chrono Trigger”.
But you do lose damage if you picked “Heavy handed” and “Get stuffed”
(Though if you’re not good with micro managing your AA, go with “Sleight of Hand”
Does it do that because since it casts instantly, it doesn’t proc the armor reduction?
Also, now my whole post above seems moot.
I don’t think so, they can pick which effect they want to apply first. So it looks like they purposely left it out. Players have complained about it in bug reports at the start, so they are aware of it.
(Corrected previous post)
Also, note that you only get the bonus on the primary target with Ricochet, If your last bullet bounces, the bounce applies normal damage to secondary targets.
But Focus fire is really the weakest option of the three. Especially if you always pick Ricochet.
Tracer needs a really big buff, her damage is so bad.
Interesting. Wouldn’t you be able to apply the armor reduction with Melee then place your bomb and then Melee again? At level 1 you can get basically 2 charges of Melee.
I know the bonus would only apply to the primary target, I was just unsure if it actually had a bonus since the bullets Ricochet, which means to bounce off so technically it wouldn’t deal damage (if you’re using the same logic as Hanzo’s Scatter Arrow which doesn’t deal damage to buildings because it bounces off.)
I just misunderstood it I guess. However, I do think that talent tier could use work. Making the reload slightly faster is not a super great talent. That would be a better talent for like FPS games. Locked and Loaded is fine in my opinion because it rewards you for being able to micromanage the D presses to proc bonus damage/healing. And Focus Fire could probably use small buffs.
This thread is a joke lol.
Yes, you can do that to get the bonus damage, but then you lose the displacement and the instant bomb detonation (Which is really useful against burst heal or shields since it can’t be reacted to) I killed a few Medhivs by holding on to my bomb, and slamming them away from their portals towards my team. (So satisfying)
There is a delay between charges of W, so you can’t do W-R-W.
Well, it does mean more bomb charge, and you don’t lose dps when you switch targets. (It’s actually the only talent on the tier that can’t lose value)
But yeah, that tier has always been bad. They should just have the talents give you something completely different, but have all of them reduce your reload time equally.
The armor reduction lasts 4 seconds so you can if you’re able to do it within those 4 seconds. The question is, can you within those 4 seconds? I think I’ll try it out in try mode later today, but I’m pretty sure you can do it the way I mentioned.
Ah well I can’t really argue there.
Sleight of Hand Isn’t a bad talent, in fact it’s good. It’s just overshadowed by L&L.
Murky says “Mrgrlgl”
Which means “hi”
The delay is 2 seconds, so if you can stay engaged without dying, you could do that.
Obviously, I meant no one gets it while still being able to act freely. Neither Murky nor Maiev can do anything while in that state. OP meant for Tracer to get it after recall.
Tracer no longer has damage
I’m sad for this nerf
Yeah it got to the point where her damage is almost canceled out by Morales’s heal beam.
In fact, Morales heals more than Tracer does damage, even the old Tracer with 30 basic attack damage.
Current Tracer has 115 DPS and Morales 172 of healing per second.
So the Carbot Exaggeration with Morales and Thrall wasn’t any
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