Buff genji auto damage

It’s not quite high enough to justify 4.5 range. They probably won’t revert his range, but please buff his auto damage a bit


He’s not an auto-attack hero anyway.
And from my observation he is best when he can get close.

He has the mobility for it, and superior health and Reflect.
Baseline his dps is higher than Valla’s base, but she has a trait and talents to boost it.


Well genji has been a dead hero for a while now. Basically the only people who can get any sort of value out of him are dedicated mains and that’s mostly just personal skill.

Also Hatred is a major source of valla’s dmg, so not rlly fair to compare imo


When he had 5.5 range and higher AA damage he could easily trade with most other assassins and laners from relative safety. That isn’t his intended role and gives him too much solo carry potential.

(add to that the fact he had 3 charges of Dodge with 5s cd each, and you can see why he was banned 99% of games, you couldn’t really even poke him back)


They should buff his range I feel like, better than buffing his autos.

The reason is genji is already a super powerful ganker in small skirmishes, auto attack damage makes that even stronger but range does not (since range doesn’t matter as much in small skirmishes if you can already constantly hit your target)

But in teamfights genji’s damage output suffers a lot because of his bad range. Buffing auto damage won’t help much. But buffing range will help his damage output a lot in teamfights because he can attack safely.

In other words instead of buffing his auto damage (thus making his strong gank potential even more ridiculous and his teamfight remains garbage), buff his range (same gank potential, better teamfight poke damage)

That’s just not true. Firstly, almost every ranged assassin with 5.5 range could outtrade him straight up. Even healers and supports could outtrade him.

Secondly, it was absolutely his role to contribute to poke damage. Genji pays a lot in power budget elsewhere, he has poor waveclear.

Compare that to heroes like greymane and lunara, strong waveclear, strong poke AND they also have the ability to finish kills like genji

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I had 100k+ hero damage games with 5.5 genji (80% from auto attacks), that was busted. He is the most nerfed hero in HotS but many of those nerfs were warranted

It was annoying as heck seeing him in every single match in 2017.


That’s a lie, lol…


Dodge (Passive)

Cooldown increased from 5 to 8 seconds

Cooldown increased from 8 to 12 seconds

Charges reduced from 3 to 1

Why would I lie when the patch notes are public?


Oh excuse me. Some time ago I read that genji had 3 dodges but with 16 seconds of CD.
Thanks for the info :slight_smile:

No worries. And he was a truly busted hero at release. He was a constant first pick and ban even in HGC until HGC ceased to exist.

Swift Strike also had +10% more range and Dragon Blade could be kept up infinitely in a fight, and his max HP was higher.

2017 and now is a very different time. Li-ming was balanced in 2017, she recently received like ten buffs to stay relevant.

Stitches rework was at the end of 2018. He was an above average hero after his rework. Today, stitches is one of the worst heroes in the game.

Powercreep is a real thing. This year, plenty of balanced heroes got a lot of buffs (valla, greymane, falstad, junkrat etc)


She also was so ridiculously overpowered at release they removed an entire talent from her lv4 (Ess of Johan) a few weeks later.

There are a few heroes that were released weak, but I can’t think of many now. Lunara had around 30% at release.

But I do also hope for Stitches buffs. He is such a one trick wonder now :frowning:


Maybe Sylvanas would have been better, but even then they have similar AA dps.

In general I’d just rather them increase the versatility of heroes or give them more opportunities to do their job rather than increase damage output.
Especially when the main reason is because power creep has pushed them off. All you’d be doing is pushing another mobile assassin off.
I’m not fond of the high levels of damage output that are in the game as is.


Genji has very strong attacks and can use them while moving.

Yes, just revert the range nerf. Or at least buff a bit swift strike damage. Genji used to be really bad at lower levels and good at higher ones, now he is just overnerfed and bad everywhere.

That’s not true. He doesn’t attack while moving.


i remember when genji used to be banned a lot often. nowadays he’s gone unnoticed even in high levels play they rarely pick him like RARELY i believe he needs a bit of love to get on stage!


Yeah… If you ask people at high levels about Genji they will always say he is not in a good spot right now, and even if you are a good Genji player you are probably better picking Zera, Maiev or something like that.


i don’t like how they nerf heroes to the point of making them go down to the point of making them more or less worthless of a pick and that’s pretty sad honestly. they should go easy on nerfing heroes not go hard on them and destroy them


Yeah, I hate that too. It is better to just nerf a bit than hard nerf the hero. Same with buffs tbh, I hate when they overbuff a hero because it is underperforming and now the hero is instaban material :roll_eyes:

I think he was fine before the range nerf tbh. Just needed that strike at the heart change to match his window reset, which they did after a long time.


i’m still surprised they haven’t buffed nova after that huge nerf they gave her as well everybody thinks she’s useless but i don’t think so yet i feel like i’m the only one who’s ready to play her in any game mode and actually win i’ve been watching so many hots streams and whenever i see nova in either team that nova is feeding and doing nothing it actually hurts so bad. they hit her hard with the nerf and that was disappointing i don’t know how many heroes got hit hard with the nerfs but that doesn’t make it any better