Bruh why can't I get my stuff from my old EU region

I moved the US a while ago and I don’t want to have to spend money to buy all the same things I spent money on. The fact you have to rebuy everything and level up everything again is so stupid.

If it helps any, after you reach level 25 you will be awarded enough free gems to buy one of the mega hero bundles, which will give you 20 heroes for free. While, I understand that’s not the same as moving what you already have now to a new server, it will make it faster for you to fill out your roster again.

*As a new player you will also get a new player loot chest with one hero and a seven-day boost, and completing the tutorial rewards you with a choice of Tyrande, Muradin or Jaina, and another boost at level 10.

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Maybe because you are account locked to one region so you cant just move around with everything you got.

You can buy an account, just like this one:

I’m still astonished anyone would pay for a Hots account, let alone in 2024. But judging from your link, I guess people still do.

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Account selling have been out for quite some time. But yea its impressive that some people actually want to throw money on burn accounts just to derank down to bronze 5.

This is an issue with older Blizzard games. Modern Blizzard games, like Diablo IV, have moved away from the region model for a more global one. In Diablo IV you could buy your cosmetics in Europe then move to America and still be able to use them while playing on local servers because there is only 1 region which auto selects nearby servers for latency.

Ideally HotS should adopt this model and merge all the servers together, especially given its diminishing player base over the years. This would require significant development effort though, which might be why they have not done such migration for older games.