Bring Back Brawls!

We would love to see a return of the cool modes: snow brawl, pull party, blackhearts revenge, and all the other fun brawl minigames! This would be huge!!! :slight_smile:


I dont know why they removed them in the first place, ARAM was also sometimes part of the brawl. But I thought it was nice to mix up the games a little bit. I think bringing it back would be lots of fun when people are playing a normal or ranked match. Its nice to have a challenge but still relaxing.

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Yes please! If anything does happen for this game in the future this is what I want. Brawls back then were so fun…

Some of the brawls were great. Others were absolute trash.

The PvE modes (Escape from Braxis), though… those need to come back. They were so fun.

Money, brawls apparently cost too much to maintain and update compared to ARAM.

You can read the wiki about it here.


Brawls, as fun (or not fun) as they were, require a lot of work and not that much return on player use and money. Even if they were to bring back real development, brawls would probably be way down on the list.

I imagine if they could rotate old brawls without the need to fiddle around to make them work after each new patch, they would do so, but that doesn’t seem to be how they were designed.

Pretty sure everyone would but.