Bobby Kotic is leaving Blizzard at the end of December

It took a while but he’s finally leaving.


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:partying_face: :tada:

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I hope that as he leaves, he receives a warm, heartfelt kick in the nads. :slight_smile:


Since he got to leave on HIS terms, it is sadly unlikely.

Also warning, the following quoted text may cause vomitting.

Perhaps the most important part of my job has been to help bring talented people together, provide the best resources possible, and foster an environment that encourages inspiration, creativity, and unwavering commitment to excellence.

I guess he had his ways of inspiring people. What a visionary!


Most likely with a golden parachute. He can perhaps buy another yaht or two before he would have to do something productive beyond the basic functions of living, but at least he will be leaving. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people in the company that are going to cause problems for various reasons.


Come on man, who doesn’t need a yaht? I almost put together the $15 000 I need to pay the membership fees to the yaht club.

Without a yaht you can’t…

tell people you have a yaht to impress them. What kind of life would that be?


I can think of a lot of things I’d rather have than a yaht, and with the one’s he likes to buy, I’d have so much left over I wouldn’t know what to do with it all.

I like the fantasy of a yacht, but then I found out the crazy amount of maintenance just to keep a yacht functioning. You need like a full time staff just to prevent the sea from ravaging the ship. Even if you ignore the standard engineers for the engines. Like you have to run the AC on constantly even when you’re not using it, or else you’ll get mold. And things like sea water being naturally corrosive or barnacles wanting to infest your hull. No thank you.


Apparently, very golden indeed.

Anyway, I’m off for a break, I’m all sorts of shook up by this news, I need my smelling salts.


Imagine how much 15 million dollars would have helped in the development of all of Blizzard’s game branches! StarCraft, Diablo, WoW, Overwatch and HotS could have get each 5 million dollars!!!


So we replaced one greedy schmuck with another?

maybe less for each game, but more for retaining the talent they so claim to celebrate.

Shout out to the blues that used to be here but got better offers elsewhere


Actually, as it’s salary budget, it never would have made it to any of the game’s budgets even if they hadn’t paid him.

Hank Hill: “Dang it, Bobby! That is not how you run a property”

The timing might have something to do with a judge’s order to unseal the names of Jeffrey Epstein’s contacts. It’s not the first time he’s been associated with him but no doubt someone wanted to avoid the price of shares from tanking in case …hits the fan.

Alot of Blizzard devs are underpayed and work overtime alot. Blizzard as a company dont know how to treat its employees fair. I saw a YT short of a former Blizz dev that said exactly this. And the best about his new workplace was he one day did not have it too well and asked if he could get a day off to get a clear mind again. His boss allowed him to go home and start fresh next day and that helped him alot. You dont see this in Blizzard. They push you to the limit everday and women are not safe from milk thiefs and harrashment.

Hopefully MS is better than this and if not then people should just boycut thier games.


Good riddance to this pathetic and corrupt sub human.